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Speed was talking to both Alfred and Wells in the Cortex

Speed: "He acted like he knew me, like we'd done this before."

Alfred: "He was antagonizing you, Speed."

Speed: "I would get close, and he'd pull away. This was just some sick game to him."

Wells: "You'll catch him, we'll help."

Speed shakes his head: "No, you don't get it, all right? His power, it's beyond me, I'm not the fastest mon alive. He is. So how do we catch somemon that even I can't keep up with?"

Wells: "The beautiful thing about force fields Mr. Allen, is they're impervious to super-speed. We're almost finished fabricating the trap. All that remains is for Detective West to procure the bait."

Alfred: "I'm on it."

He then began to walk out of the Cortex and Speed followed him, Alfred then stopped and turned to Speed

Alfred: "Speed, why don't you stay here?"

Speed shook his head: "No, Alfred, today is not the day to tell me to stay behind."

Alfred sighs and continues walking, Speed following him out of the Cortex


Speed and Alfred were talking to Dr. Tina McGee again, she was holding a piece of paper

Tina: "If the judge was gonna sign this, he would've done so already."

She then handed it to Alfred, who takes it

Alfred: "Look, you don't want this investigation to get any more public than it's already been do you?"

Tina: "This has Alexander Wells written all over it in big black letters. I am not giving you my tachyon prototype."

Speed: "It was quite the tour of your facility, doctor."

Tina then tilted her head at this

Speed: "You were fine to let us dumb Rescuers walk around...but I majored in physics and chemistry, I saw a lot of stuff that Science Showcase Magazine would love to hear about, so should I call their editors directly, or just leave a few posts on their website?"

Alfred then smiles at Speed's idea

Tina: "You'll have the device within the hour."

Speed smiles and nods his head

Tina: "I see why Alexander holds you in such esteem, Mr. Allen. You're very much alike."

She then walks out of PTRD leaving just Speed and Alfred to converse

Alfred turns to Speed: "Nicely done."

Speed then walks off with an angry expression and Spike walks up to Alfred

Spike: "Hey, Alfred, you got a second?"

Alfred: "Not now, Spike."

Spike: "I read the witness statement. The Flash was there. I know you got something in the works."

Alfred sighs: "Yeah, but you don't want any part of this."

Spike: "I got a task force approved to capture him, and I want in. I'm not asking permission, Alfred."

Alfred: "Excuse me?"

Spike: "If my task force isn't part of this, I'll go to Captain Singh. I'll tell him something's going on and you're not talking. I'm sorry. You'd do the same thing if you were me."

Eeveelution Squad AU: THE FLASH (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now