2: Erak's Ransom Missing Scene

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The italicized words are taken directly from John Flanagan's book Erak's Ransom at the end of Chapter 47. Though chronologically, this story takes place after Chapter 48 where Toshak, the Skandian traitor, has already been taken care of.

The surgeon regarded him with sympathy. He had laid Aloom out with his hands folded over his chest. Will retrieved his cloak- Aloom had no further use for it. He spread the lieutenant's own cloak over his still form, covering his face. Then he felt in his purse and handed the surgeon a silver coin.

"Stay with him? He asked. "Watch over him until I come back."

He reached down, retrieved his bow and quiver and headed off down the alleyway to the market square.

Carefully, he wound his way through the maze of alleys and winding cobblestone passageways, having barely an inclination as to where he was headed but trusting the loud din of voices to lead his way. Finally, he turned a last corner and the town square came into view at the end of the street.

A circle of cheering Bedullin warriors surrounded Erak who stared down at something that Will couldn't make out. Once again, he found himself cursing his short stature. Finally, he slipped into the square unnoticed by the masses of soldiers: Beddulin, Arridi, and Tualaghi alike. Again, all of which stood about a head taller than him.

He sidled his way along the outside edge of the square, constantly scanning the assembled crowd for his friends, pausing only to wave or greet a Beddulin or Arridian soldier that recognized him. One of which stood abruptly, hands braced against his knees to help him rise from his crouching position and he smiled warmly at Will.

"Hassan!" Will said quickly, stepping through two Tualaghi men who sat with their hands bound behind their backs. "Do you know where they are?" He asked, not bothering to clarify who he was referring to.

"Directly across the square last I saw," he replied. "Nice shooting by the way."

"Thanks," Will grinned impatiently, but didn't wait to carry on the conversation. Hassan seemed to understand and continued to smile while stepping aside and allowing the younger man to pass by him, continuing to wind his way through the soldiers and cut across to the other side of the plaza.

"Where is he?" Gilan said again, craning his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of Will in his tan cloak. "You think he's okay?"

"I'm sure he's fine," Halt replied briskly, masking his own anxiety that he knew wouldn't ease until Will was in front of him. The two Rangers continued to peer around the square, their eyes moving constantly while their heads remained immobile. Horace and Evenlyn were talking quietly, their heads pressed together, and Erak and Svengal were now helping tie up the last Tualaghi soldiers.

"There!" Gilan shouted, pointing a finger slightly to their right where a cloaked figure was jogging towards them, jumping lightly over Tualaghi men sitting and dodging those bustling around them. His face was hidden in the cowl of a cloak, but the cloak itself marked him as only one of three possibilities.

"Will!" Halt called eagerly, stepping forward from the shade of the store awning that they were resting under. He held his arms out slightly and Will rushed into them, a wide grin spread across his face.

"Halt!" he said back, his voice muffled on his mentor's cloak. A large knot seemed to have settled itself at the back of his throat, preventing him from managing any statement more than the single syllable that he hoped carried everything he meant with it.

"You're alive," Halt said.

"I think I should be saying that to you!" Will laughed and pulled away to examine his face. One eye was swollen shut and bruises and cuts colored his skin to the point that it was barely recognizable. "What hap-" But he stopped mid sentence, realizing that was a stupid question. He already knew what happened. "Are you okay?" He asked instead.

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