Techno: Nice to know I have such enthusiastic fans. I'll think about it you two.

Techno winked and she took her bike and walked outside the hall. You and Kendo smiled again and proceeded to look at more of the pro heroes who were present at the event. The talks were all nice and dandy with good pieces of advice here and there. Mostly practical stuff from some of the older heroes, such as using baby powder in spandex suits.

Other than that, it was a good time. Eventually, Vlad called you all back to the classroom in which everyone talked about meeting pros and interning at different places. Tetsutetsu had mentioned the pro hero Fat Gum or Ibara's work with Green Thumb. Either way, it seemed like everyone had a pretty good time. Something Vlad mentioned in his speech to you guys.

Vlad King: Now, now. Quiet! I'm happy you all had some fun today but we need to get back on topic. Now then, I know most of you have now found your work studies, which is fantastic. But you need your actual studies! So, Ms. Green Thumb will be continuing her lessons. Good luck.

Green Thumb then burst through the door with the stance of a fashion model.

Green Thumb: Alright you little baby heroes! Let's get to work! Heroics 101!

Everyone in the class smirked and was more than jazzed up for the work of today. Rough an hour later, no one wanted to be there aside from Green Thumb. It also didn't help that she left a minute after she said "dismissed" and assigned everyone with a boatload of work. You nearly fainted but still put up with it all.

You felt a hand on your shoulder which prompted you to turn back and smile as you saw Kendo standing behind you.

Kendo: Some of us were heading down to the Sugar Bowl. You want it?

(Y/N): Oh yeah. I assume with some review in there.

Kendo: Maybe?

Tetsutetsu: Come on, boss man!

You smiled, got up, and followed your friends out the door. Honestly, the Sugar Bowl was usually the highlight of your day, just spending time with your friends was so much fun. The jokes today were alright, but today was mostly a study session for you and your friends. Green Thumb dropped a ton of hero theory on everyone at the last minute so it was best to move quickly and fast.

Ibara and Kendo were quick to start leading everyone and you were there to provide support when needed. It was still a fun time with no major incidents around you guys. A couple more hours of studying here and there and you draining your pockets for food and drink and finally, you guys called it a day and packed up to leave.

It was also nice that despite you guys being somewhat loud, you were welcomed there with open arms from the owner of the store. As everyone went off on their own way, you took Kendo's hand with yours and walked down the road just a bit with her.

(Y/N): So, you're really pushing for that Techno work-study, huh?

Kendo: Don't see why not? It's the only one I really found interest in.

(Y/N): Mostly based off of a motorcycle.

Kendo: Shut up.

(Y/N): I'm not wrong.

Kendo groaned a bit which resulted in you laughing a bit at her.

Kendo: It's really just cool. Not to mention, she seems very nice. So, maybe it would be the best for this.

(Y/N): Guess so. Plus, a support agency could give us a good perspective on the type of tech that is pushed into the world. I think it could work out.

Kendo: You don't need to follow me there.

(Y/N): True. But doesn't mean I don't want to. Unless you want me to go to a different study?

Kendo: No! That's not what I mean. I'm just making sure you'll enjoy yourself on this internship as much as I will.

(Y/N): I think I will. I mean, it sounds like fun.

Kendo smiled as you both walked off for the night.

Meanwhile, in Hosu, Techno was overlooking files from both you and Kendo. Leadership, technical know-how, among other things. She nodded and smiled at the results.

Techno: Fresh young heroes. These two will be perfect for-what is this?

Techno pulled up some additional files. Bruno Manhin, Traxus Tower Incident, your parentage. She sighed to herself and looked everything over again and again. Reports labeled everything as a negative, even your own heroic deeds. It didn't help much that the media blamed nearly everything on Dracuul as well. She sighed and looked over the files one last time.

Techno: Well...this big one. Let's have fun with this.

Techno moved her mouse over and clicked accept under both of your applications. 

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