00; prologue - Jamie Peters

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Reasonable, see?

Trevor had been one of those students, up until GCSE came around. He was always talking over the teacher, screwing with everyone's projects and cheating. I still remember the day he asked me for the answers for an upcoming pop up quiz, obviously, me being the one that usually pays attention in the class, I would've know what would be in the quiz.

When I had told him that I didn't have the answers because I was too distracted with some issues that came around at school, he and I worked together to break in to the teacher's locked classroom and steal the test answers. It was awesome, like one of those heists in tv programmes. We never got caught stealing the answers and the teacher turned a blind eye for Trevor's abnormally high marks.

That's how me and Trevor became the best of friends. When I confided in him, he threatened anybody who annoyed or picked on me. I was never really picked on badly but I was a total outcast. I still am, just not one of those loner ones anymore.

Robyn, being best friend's with the princpal was definitely someone to be scared of because she could screw up your life. Nobody messed with her because otherwise she'd tell tale and get somebody suspended or expelled or funnily enough, on clean up or cooking duty.

It was a highlight of my life to see Trevor serving me pasta and clearing my tray up after.

That happened when he got on Robyn's nerves because he stole a cookie from her bake sale and didn't pay after. I mean come on, all the earnings were meant to go to charity.

For the rest of the lesson, there was me doing a bunch of work and actually concentrating but then there was Robyn- half listening, zoning out as she does and then Trevor- poking her continuously and not concentrating at all.

I could only wonder what sorcery was used so that Trevor's and Robyn's grades remain high. It's unfair on normal people like me that have to try hard to get a decent enough grade.

The lesson ended soon and I quickly packed my stuff away in my bag and waited for the others to hurry up and organise themselves. Robyn walked around frantically, trying to find a pencil she had lost. I noticed her book had a rather large gap within the pages and I rolled my eyes, tipping her book and allowing the pencil to roll out. She was always a klutz, that girl.

Trevor was talking to one of his friends and patted me hard on the back when he saw me exiting the classroom. My next lesson is meant to be Chemistry and then after that, It's the end of the day so I can go and see Xavier play tennis while I draw sketches of him in different stances. Nobody needs to know about this sketchbook I have that's filled with Xavier, nobody. If anybody found out, I might just dig myself a grave and die of embarrassment.

The walk to my chemistry room was long, it was all the way on the other side of campus and had loads of stairs on the way too. I got the usual group of guys pestering me and then, like every walk to my chemistry class, Lexi caught up to me. Her brown hair with blonde streaks bounced up and down as she ran down the hall calling out my name as if I didn't expect her to be in the same corridor as me.

Lexi was one of my best friends, Robyn and her were like two peas in a pod and the only time they would separate would be when they have different classes. They were always trying to prank each other and if they weren't doing that, they were teasing Trevor who would usually whimper and cower behind me because he knows those two were pure evil when they were together, he'd only do that outside of school through because he didn't want to let his guard down, he was all up for looking 'hard'.

"Jamie!" Lexi boomed and flicked my forehead, I glared at her and she backed off.

"Don't flick me!" I whined.

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