Chapter 4

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Ash's pov

It's been about week & Gray seems to be avoiding me. Well thats what it feels like. Everytime I try to hang out with him, he says no I busy. So I'd go hang out with Misty. I wallked up to Gray's house & knock. "Oh Gray Ash is here." Professor oak called to him. "I'm busy sorry." I nodded. "I'll just go hang out with Misty again." I said walking away.

We I got to Misty's house I knocked. "Hey Ash come on. Gray busy again." I nodded sadly. "Oh Ash poor thing.....oh I know have a party, invite everyone, get him alone a tell him." I nodded & we started talking about the plans. I went home & when to sleep. The next Morning I started to get ready for the party tomorrow night. Misty came over to help. My Pokémon helped as well. That night I sat in my bed wondering how I'm going to tell Gray. I finally went to sleep. The next day I everything ready then people started to arrive. First my mom walked in them all the others I talked was everyone. I saw Gray walk to the backyard.

Gray's pov

I walked to the backyard & looked at his Pokémon. I felt something on my foot to see Kingler. I kneeled down & pet it. "Hey Gray" I turned to see Ash. I stood up. It was quite for a few. "Listen I need to tell you something." We said in unison. I laughed so did he. "you go first." He said. "Ash remember when I saved you back at the river. Well I got my memories back & I thought since your in love with someone else that you would be better off & I bet you are, but I'm not I'm still in love with you Ash. I will never forget you." I finally finished. I was to afraid to look at him. I heard his foot steps come closer. "Gray is it my turn now?" I nodded. "When you first told my you loved me I thought you were trying to mess with me, but as you tryed to get closer to me. I saw that it just true. Then you losing your memories happened & I thought you would forget all about me..." Tears where running down his face. "...but now you remember everything. Gray I think I'm in love with you." He smiled as tears ran down his face. I pulled him to me. "Ash I don't know how long I-" he kisses me. Wrapping him arms around my neck. We stopped & looked at each other. "- can hold back for any longer." I breathed out. He put his head on my chest. "You don't need to anymore." He sighed.

We stood there, his arms around my neck & mine around his waist. I pulled my head in between his neck & shoulder. I felt his arms let go. I looked at him. "Come lets go back inside." He smiled. I nodded. Walking back insde hand in hand. That Misty girl ran up to us. "You did it! You did it! You did it!" She jumps up & down. I looked at her, then to him. "What?" I asked. "It's nothing." He said. "Gray & Ash sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g, Frist comes love th-" "shut up Misty" he yelled. He started to run after her when I grabbed him. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Hey!" He pouted. "Hey to you to." He stuck his tongue out at me. "Oh Ash Gray is it true are you finally dating?" I nodded. I felt someone glaring I looked down to see Pikachu. His eyes stared at me. I let Ash go & kneeled down to pet Pikachu. At first he liked me petting his head then smacked my hand away. "Pika Pikacchhuu." He thunder shocked. me.

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