Chapter 14

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Ash's pov

When I walk to the falls I saw a table with flowers. "Ash.." I turn around to see Gary. "What is all of this?" He grabbed my hand. "You'll see just come eat." He pulled me to the table. We sat down & Misty came out with our food. "Gary what's all this for, it's Beautiful." He smiled & blushed. "It's just I hated myself how much I hurting you, so I thought that I'd make it up to you. So finish your food there is more to your surprise." I nodded & continued to eat. We joked & laughed. It was the best moment in my life. I never want to forget this feeling. "Ok ready for-" "Not so fast!" Wait where did that come from..who was that? Gary pulled me behind him. "Who's there?" Gary yelled. "To protect the world from devestation, To unite people within our nation, To announce to Evils of Truth & Love, To extend our reach to the stars above, Jesse, James, Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light, Surrender now or prepare to Fight." Gary started to become angry. "Why are you here leave us alone?" He yelled. "To take care of him of course hahaha." Jesse laughed. "Ash I want you to r-" "NO I WON'T LEAVE YOU!!" He was shocked. "But-" "No" we heard some laughing. "Look they're having a lovers spat. Well we will end that." James brought out a gun. Before I could do any thing. Gary was in front of me. H-He took the bullet for me... why? He layed on the ground with a bullet in his chest. I tryed to stop the bleeding be it wasn't helping. I saw misty run up with officer Jenny. They took care of Team Rocket. "Gary please don't leave me again. I can't take it. Please if you leave me I'm going to kill myself." I cryed & yelled at him. "Ash don't worry I'm fine." She smiled weekly.

"Ash we need to get him to a hospital." Misty says pulling me up. I rode with him to the hospital as we were going in he gave me a box. They took him in immediately. I opened the box to find a ring. I put my hand over my mouth & broke down crying. "YOU BETTER COME OUT ALIVE GARY OAKS!!!!" I yelled. I sat in a chair waiting for the doctor. When the doctor came out. I looked at him desperately. "So is he ok?" He sighed. "Yes he's alive. He is in his room now but still unconscious." I nodded. I walked into his room. This is all my fault. You keep getting hurt because of me. I cryed & looked at the ring. It had a blue flames mixed with red flames. "How can I stand to see you knowing I got you hurt." I hugged my knees. "Y-You didn't hurt me. I protected you from this pain." He sat up smiling. I smacked him. "What if you died, that would be even more painful." He smiled & grabbed me & pulled me to him. "Don't worry I'm fine." I tryed to stay away from his wound. I cuddled with him in his hospital bed.

"Gary...I" I tryed to find the words but I couldn't. "What Ash?" I sighed. "I Don't know it's just are you sure you want to marry me? I mean I'm just this boy who can't do anything right. Just look at you this is all my fau-" before I could finish he kissed me. I started to melt into the kiss. I layed down with him over top of me still kissing me. He stopped & stared into my eyes while panting. "If you say something like that again it will be a lot worst. You can do anything. You caught so many Pokémon, mastered regions, & got me to fall in love. Your amazing in all ways. Your not the reason I got hurt. You hear me!" He said sternly. His look softed. "Gary..." I smiled at him. "What?" I kiss him long & passionately. I let him go & looked at him. I giggled at his shocked face. He grabbed me & pulled me close. "I love you Ashy-boy." I hit his chest. "Don't call me that but-face but I love you too." He chuckled at me. We fell asleep soon after.

Please don't leave me. (Ash X Gary)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt