Chapter 1

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Ash's pov

I just finished my traveling around & went home. I walked into pallet town. As I walked closer to town, I see a group of people at My house. Pikachu just off my shoulder & ran to my mom. "Oh Ash your home." I nodded. "Hey mom." She hugged me. "Hey Ashy-boy how you doing." I trun to see Gary standing there smile & not the cocky smile. A nice, sweet smile. I smiled back. "Hey Gary." All of the sudden he hugged me. "I missed you." I hugged him back. "I missed you too." We pulled away but something made me want to pulled him back in. After that we went into my house for the party. I ate some of my mom's wonderful cooking. I opened the door to the balcony. The cold breeze hit my face as I leaned on the railing. "Hey your missing your own party." I turn to see Gary again. "Yeah never really liked crowds." I said looking back at the sky. "So how many badge did you win." He asked standing next to me. "Tons I caught tons of Pokémon to. Actually do you know that one house with a big back yard not to far from the Pokémon lab is?" He thought for a minute. "Oh yeah why." He asked. "I bought it." I said watching Pikachu & eevee play in the front yard. "Really I have to tell you something." I looked at him. "What is it?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well...I...I'm in love with you." He finally spit it out. I stood shocked as I stared. I mean him, the boy who picked on me. The boy who kept telling me to quit while I was ahead. "Listen you don't have to like or love me back. You probably are still mad at me for how I treated you." He looked down. What do I do? I stood silent. Gary why are you telling me this? You've hated me since we where kids. I thought. Suddenly professor oak walked out. "Ash we need you we're going to cut the cake. Come on Gary." He goes back inside. Gary was starting to go in, when I grabbed his arm. "Gary did you mean the things you said when we where kids? That I was nothing to you, but just competition?" He shook his head. "No but if I could I would take it back." He pulled away & walked in. I followed.

Gary's pov

I can't believe this I told Ash. He probably hates me. He probably thinks I'm screwing with him. Why does it all have to be confusing? I skipped cake & went home. I went to me room & layed on my bed. "I wish I could take every single insult I gave to him back." I kept seeing that hurt face of his. "Gary I brought you home some cake." Gramps said. "Ok" I answered back. I fell to sleep.

Ash's pov

After the party I sat in my bed. My mom walked in & sat next to me. "You ok Ash? Something wrong?" I looked at her. "Mom can I asked you something." She nodded. "Ok say someone told you they where in love with you, what would you say?" She nodded & a smile grow on her face. "Did Gary finally tell you?" I was shocked. "You knew." She laughed. "The whole town knows sweetheart. When he came over, he would ask how your doing, he's tryed to send you letters, but decided not to. I mean that boy everytime you called he would be to afraid to talk so me or professor oak would pick it up. That boy is something you know?" I could feel my face heat up. "Well you should get to bed you need to pack & move tomorrow." Mom said leaving the room. Pikachu jumps on to the bed with me. I fell asleep.

Next morning I got up & got dressed. My mom & I started packing all my shit up. There was a knock on the door. My mom answered it. "Ash honey it Gary." He walks in to the room & my face turns red. Eevee came running into the house. I called Pikachu & he started to play with eevee. "So I came to see if you wanted to hang out & I can see your packing. Do you need help?" Before I answer my mom did. "Yes he does I was about to run some errands." She leaves & I go back to packing. "So why do you have some many poke balls?" He asked looked in a box. "Those are all my Pokémon I've caught. Thats why I need the back yard." I said picking up some boxes. He did the same. We walked over to my new house & set down the boxes. Once all the boxes where move, we unpacked them. After we where done I had only one more thing to do. I went to the back yard & let all me Pokémon out of their balls. The yard was big enough that there was a lot more room afterwards. I checked the clock. 3:00 o' clock. Gary was standing by the door looking at my Pokémon. "Wow you've got a lot!" He said quietly. "I know." I stood next to him. "Gary about yesterday I'm sorry I shouldn't have made you feel so guilty." He grabbed my chin & pecked my nose. My face turns red. "It's fine." I had a weird feeling in my stomach & my heart was beating really fast.

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