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(Y/N) Your Name

(L/N) Last name

(H/C) Hair color

(E/C) Eye Color


(Y/N)'s pov

I yawn again for what it feels like the fifth time. Currently, I am in the room that community provided me while reading a book. It's not really a room, it's kinda like a container. Since the outbreak, I've only read my boy scout book and bring it everywhere I go. But now that I am safe in this place, I've decided mybe I should try a different book other than that.

Unfortunately, the book wasn't so interesting. It was about a teen guy who for some reason didn't know he was born a prince and now he had to marry a princess in order to restore the kingdom.

"Mybe my taste is different than Edith's"

I close the book and get ready for bed, tomorrow is a big day, I'll go hunting around the area with Edith's brother, Dean. He's such a fun guy to hang out with. It's so rare to find someone who's not always worrying about surviving. He always seems relaxed and sometimes even make stupid jokes every now and then.

Someone like that.. Makes you forget about the shit world we're living in..

My thoughts were interrupted by heavy knocks on my door. Seems urgent

I walked to the door and open it, showing Edith taking couple of deep breaths. She looks like she just seen a ghost.

"Edith? What's going on?"

"It's.. It's the group from last week.. They're back (Y/N) and they're not messing around this time. They brought guns and more men."

Fuck, I knew they weren't going to take no for an answer

"Shit.. What do they want now?"

"S-Supplies but it's more than we can give.. I'm afraid this is gonna get ugly. (Y/N) go pack up just in case we need to run"

"What?! No I'm not going anywhere! We gotta protect this place."

Ignoring Edith's order, I quickly grab my 9mm from my desk and was about to head out the door..

But she stopped me.

"No (Y/N) it's too late! Don't go or you'll get killed!"

"it's not too late Edith! Let me go! I'll kill every single one of the-"

I let my anger out until a slap landed on my face

It took a me while to realise what just happened. The warm feeling on left side of my cheek left me speechless.

"You go pack your stuff and be ready to run. I'll go find Dean and meet you at the back. There's an emergency exit, we'll leave this place together. Okey? Listen to me.. Please (Y/N)"

She put both her hands on my shoulder and give them a little squeeze.

I look up to see her face, her eyes shows signs of desperation. I sigh in defeat, I follow her order. As I was about to go pack, distance scream and gunshots were heard by the both of us. We look at each other in fear

Friends that I've made here.. Are they..

Without a second to spare, Edith ran outside to find his brother while I quickly grab my backpack and grab some essential needs, couple of meds, ammo, bandages, some clean clothes, water, food. Everything I could get my hands on.

A New Frontier | Clem X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now