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"you are really so mean" jeyon said and pushed her a side and walked away making Veronica teary a bit. a tear escape from her eye and she wept it and walked towards her home
jeyon came to his apartment and walked inside
"I thought veronica is sweet and soft hearted" jeyon said to himself and threw himself on the bed and slept
erisia came home and thinking about what happen today she wants to share it with jeyon so she called him but he is not picking the call
Veronica is thinking about the thing and she called jeyon a lot of time but he is not receiving the call
jeyon woke up from his sleep and checked his phone and got shocked he saw 6 miss calls from erisia and 37 miss calls from Veronica with 65 massages he checked the massages
Veronica - I'm so sorry
Veronica - please listen to ms
Veronica - I didn't wanted to do it
and a lot of massages of sorry. he first called erisia
erisia - where were you I was so afraid! don't you have a manner how to treat your friends you ar-
jeyon - oh my god I'm so sorry erisia I was slept. I'm sorry for making you worried like this
erisia - ......its fine, if you don't mind please come for dinner tonight with me
jeyon - of course I'll come
erisia - see you then
jeyon - OK
then jeyon hung up the call and Veronica was calling again and again then jeyon pick up the call
Veronica- ......................I'm sorry jeyon I didn't meant that, I don't know what happen that day I was just like
jeyon - its OK
veronica - no its *sniffs* not okay.....I was wrong
jeyon - hey don't cry that's not a big deal Veronica I said its OK so its OK
veronica - really
jeyon - of course my girl
veronica - *giggles* you just make me so worried don't you
jeyon - OK fine sorry too
as they both talked and hung up the call
Aana's home
"can I come in" a girl from outside asked
"come in mom" aana said and sit still
" aana sign in it" mom said
"what's this" aana said
"your business now you are the owner of this company, now this is your business now" mom said
"really" Aana's eyes filled with happiness as they both smiled
the door knocks of jeyon's door he opens the door expecting erisia but it was Veronica
"I'm here for our project" veronica said
"ah yeah come in" jeyon said making Veronica come in
they both sat on jeyon's bed and started to unpack the project things
"hey do you know " Veronica said
"I know what" jeyon said
"OK forget it....let's do the work" Veronica said and they both started to do the work
"what will you eat in today's dinner" Veronica said
"erisia invited me so I will eat there " jeyon said
"OK" Veronica said
after 1 hour they both finished 5/7 of the work and its 7 pm now
"OK jeyon I'm going" Veronica said
"should I drop you" jeyon said
"no I've a driver" Veronica said and headed towards the maid door
"bye" "bye"
then jeyon closed the door behind him and settled his books. he headed towards erisia's apartment and knocked the door
"hey" jeyon said
"hi" erisia said
as jeyon entered and casually sat on the sofa and start checking his phone
then erisia entered to her kitchen and said "so how's your day"
"that was good but not too much" jeyon said while putting his phone back to his pocked
"what's the matter" erisia said and sat on the dinning table
"I fought with Veronica" jeyon said and sat on dinning table and started to attack on the food
"because Veronica got angry when I was helping aana" jeyon said
"oh" erisia said
"how was your day" jeyon said
"my day was not good at all, a boy named yuke proposed me and he was forcing to be his girlfriend but I refused" erisia said while chewing her food
"was that guy handsome" jeyon said
"all the boys in my school are handsome" erisia said
"was its normal to you of guys proposing you" jeyon said completely focusing on erisia
"its so normal a lot of guys proposes me" erisia said
jeyon giggles and said "a very popular girl is my best friend"
"yah you are always special for me, doesn't matters" erisia said with a smile
"after this you have to help me on assignment" jeyon said to erisia
after some times they both finished their food and sat for doing jeyon's assignment
jeyon sat on erisia's bench as erisia also sat
erisia - its history right...that means. hmm OK
jeyon - yeah .
jeyon opened the book and started to right something. erisia started to do she is so tired and she wanted to sleep, she headed down for some times as she got slept
jeyon - erisia mine is going to done and yours
no answer came from erisia so jeyon shouted her name, but she didn't replied. jeyon stood up then moved towards erisia then he saw The beautiful girl sleeping peacefully on chair. jeyon smiled then he took erisia on his hand and made his way to erisia's room. he left erisia on her bed and he lay a kiss on her forehead. jeyon turned the lights off and closed the door behind then he reached to his own room.
he lay on bed then closed his eyes

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