"She's sooo...," but Tooru couldn't finish as a squirming giggle erupted in his throat just the mere thought of you and squeezed his eyes shut. He never thought he could ever have this - a woman for him and his son to love. He had it all.

With narrowed eyes, as much as Hajime wanted to scold him for being so dumbstruck, he was quite happy for him.

So he uttered a chuckle and slapped at his back to get divert his attention from you to him.

"Iwa-Chan, are you going to keep hitting me in front of my family?!" Tooru screeched with a hand at his shoulder. That was another discovery Hajime made. The word 'family' slipped out of his mouth without even knowing it, as if he was so used to saying it already.

"By the way, what do you want to talk about?"

Instead of lecturing his friend, Iwaizumi tweaked a grin. The topic he wanted to discuss is no longer a concern to him and just shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

Quirking a brow, Tooru didn't pester since it felt like nothing and aimed back his attention on you on the couch.

"Ready to have lunch?" his hands propped on the headrest of the couch behind you after sauntering from his chair.

"Can we have ramen, Daddy?" Tetsu's eyes begged at him along with Hine who perked his ears up at the warm food.

The other small boy riled up on the couch with him. "Yeah, yeah. Ramen!"

"You heard them," Hajime called from the kitchen to put away the empty cups from the dining room and joined the rest of the party in his living room. "Hine, go put on proper pants before we go."

The kid nodded and ran off with Hajime to his room to switch his pajama sweats to linen trousers. Tooru rested his chin over your head to watch his son shuffle the rest of his drawings to you which contained more stick figures of all of you together either eating together or holding hands.

But one caught your eye. A tall brown headed man is cooking in the kitchen while you sat at table with a distorted fork in your three-finger hand. It wasn't his dad in the picture, but it was Tetsu but older.

"Is that you, Tetsu?" you pointed at the drawing before he could shuffle it at the back of the stack.

The toddler jolted at your observant eyes and side-glanced you timidly. Somehow, it seemed like to you that he didn't want you to see that one in particular and you wondered why.

He quickly hid it behind his back as a rosy blush colored his face. "Y-You're not supposed to see it!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" trying to sound guilty, your hands flew to your eyes to not peek at it even though you already seen it to his dismay. Tetsu gave no reply and pouted while handing the rest of his drawing to Tooru who snickered at the scene.

"Do you need help, darling?" the brunette fixated his stare at your standing form stretching off the couch with your hands placed at your lower back.

"Ah, I'll help Mommy!" the small child suggested and quickly climbed down the cushion to help you stand tall by gripping around your calf.

His small strength did nothing but the thought of his action uplifted your soul.

"Here, hold my hand so Mommy doesn't fall," Tetsu's clamping hand tried to reach yours. "I'll catch you!"

Tittering, you allowed him to assist you like a boy scout he is trying to walk a grandma across the street. With any kid, you would feel insulted but with him, you'd let him do whatever he wants even if he treats you like an old lady.

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