Bed time

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● Setsuno and Rappa had once harassed Chisaki when he was sleeping.
● They were loud as fuck
● Chisaki was passed out omfg
● Everyone but him woke up
● Kurono sleeps on a futon for some reason.
● He has a bed, but chooses to sleep on a futon
● Setsuno stays up and writes fanfiction and drinks/eats energy drinks/jelly
● Setsuno has a lil rabbit he sleeps with
● Rappa falls off his bed during sleep a lot
● Deidoro is always asleep because...drunk-
● Nemoto sleeps at a plausible time, he's like the only normal one if he didn't have his obsession
● Tengai sleeps on the floor too, he's the most normal actually
● Hojo and Tabe share a room
● Tabe has once eaten the covers during his sleep
● Hojo was confused why the covers were gone from both of them and Tabe was asleep on the floor
● Rikiya sleeps like a baybe anywhere anytime
● Sometimes Chisaki looks possessed when he sleeps.
● Eyes open, in a starfish position.
● Once Setsuno and Rappa deadass thought he was floating
● But most of the time he sleeps normally, eyes closed and stuff

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