Just Dance

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● Daily Just Dance night woohoo
● ...Obviously, they play Rasputin and Never gonna give me up
● Chisaki can and will play can't touch this because... U can't touch this *queue music*
● Y'all, some of them are dirty cheaters...
● Kurono's bitchass gets annoyed and stabs someone with his clock hair and wins
● Deidoro will slosh a bitch up 🏃‍♂️💨
● Setsuno just has fun
● Would it be mean to say Rappa and Rikiya sometimes shake the place when they dance?
● Let us appreciate the make it jingle is Rappa and Setsuno's favorite because they get to twerk
● Moving on-
● Nemoto is a pretty good dancer. Especially with "I'm still standing"
● Does Chisaki take part? Sometimes. Only sometimes.
● Mimic does the tetris one with everyone because he's like, the only person that everyone can lift up.

● Hassaikai who

Shie Hassaikai Crack Stories/Headcanons(Ideas)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang