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●He drives random places bc Chisaki doesn't want to drive
●Does a lot most of the time for no reason
● he's very sleepy
● this one is pretty too
● it's not fair why does Chisaki hire all the pretty ones
● Certified Chisaki Simp
● Is verified on Twitter for no absolute reason
● Not even Setsuno is verified and he has a large following + is very active
● He does silly things with his mask like inhales and flaps it around because Setsuno asked.
● Loves Setsuno but dear god that blonde head needs some holy water
● Has definitely asked Tengai to cleanse Setsuno, to spray him with holy water
● Tengai did and Setsuno hissed, then ran away
● Mission failed, we'll get em next time.
● Anyway, Nemoto gets along with Tengai very well for almost the same reasoning
● Both deal with idiots
● They understand the pain, which is unspoken but known
● I love Nemoto omfg

The anime shouldn't have skipped over Nemoto's small segment about needing a friend smh

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