A New Chapter

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"I will do whatever it takes to achieve my dream."

As she arrives at the airport carrying her luggages, someone approaches her.
"L/N Y/N?" he asks
"Yes, that's me." she replies
He smiled and said "Ah, I am the manager of NCT 127, come follow me". As he helps her carry her luggage, she walks and wanders around.
"Is this your first time visiting Korea?" he asks.
"Yes." she answers.

They get into a car heading to the SM building. They finally reach their location, and quickly get into the building. They walk straight to Lee Sooman's office.
"L/N Y/N is here" the manager says to Lee Sooman.
"Bring her in" he commands.
She steps in to the office and greets him.
"I see you are really passionate in art, I want to do an experience to prepare the NCT 127 comeback in June which is 5 months away. I want you to live in NCT 127's dorm and observe them. I believe by having an interaction with them could help you design the upcoming NCT 127's album. I want you to decide the name of the album by yourself. However there are some rules." he said as he hands her a paper.

Here are some following rules that you must obey:

1. You must not be seen having a close relations or skinship with NCT members in public to avoid any scandals/rumours.
2. You must not spoil anything related to the NCT 127's upcoming album, including working with them to the public.
3. You must not date any NCT members.

"Simple right?" asks Lee Sooman while smiling.
No, it is not. Althought it sounds like a 3 simple rules, it is actually not that simple. I have been a fan for 2 years. However, this is my dream and I will try my best to be professional.
"Yes, they are" I lie while smiling.
"Many people have failed to follow the rules, especially rule number 3. I understand that they can be flirty sometimes but again, you have to be professional. I want you to be their friend, no more, no less."
I nod. He walks out of his office and asks for one of the staffs to show my way to the dorm. I am actually panicking because I have to be their friend. What if they actually hate me? What if I fall for them?
"Here we are, good luck!" says the staff
My thoughts got worse by what he said. Good luck? What does he mean by that?

I knock on the door and there he is. Moon Taeil. I froze for a second and greet him. I'm shocked that he is actually look much more handsome in real life.
"Hi, I'm L/N Y/N and I am here to live with you for the next 5 months." I say while smiling.
"Hello, we heard about the new staff who's going to live with us. I believe you are the staff, please come in." he replies while showing me around.
"Please don't feel awkward with us because we're going to live together for 5 months." Taeil said.
I'm excited to live with them but i don't wanna show it because they're going to know that I like them. When I step into the dorm, Doyoung and Haechan are screaming at each other.
"NO YOU PABO IT'S MINE!" Doyoung yells back.

"This is your room." Taeil says.
"Thank you." I reply.
I unpack my luggage. While doing that, I hear someone's knocking.
"Yes?" I answer.
"Do you need any help?" asks Taeyong.
"I- No, I'm fine thank you." I reply.
I can feel my cheeks getting red because he looks way cooler in real life.
"Just ask me when you need help, also the bathroom is there, we have to share the bathroom because we only have 2 bathrooms." he says.
"Okay, thank you very much. I'm L/N Y/N." while shaking his hand.
"Really nice to meet you, hope we will get closer." he smiles.
Okay but his smile is really gorgeous. My heart beats faster and my hands are shaking. I couldn't stop thinking I shaked his hand. I try to calm myself down.

After unpacking my stuff, I go to the bathroom and take a shower. After that, I go to my room. While combing my hair, Taeyong knocks on the door.
"Hey, can you go to the living room so we can have a proper introduction?" asks Taeyong.
"Okay." I answer.

When I walk to the living room, Haechan and Doyoung are still screaming at each other, fighting over the last instant noodles.

795 words

Nightmare | Doyoung Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz