-Chapter 2-

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-Chapter 2-

"Eh? Just who is this guy?!" Taking a closer look at the young silver haired male, Naruko gasped before remembering something she had read in a scroll that once belonged to the first Hokage. "Could he be?"

"Onii-San!! What are you doing here? I thought you had went with Hashi-nee?" Kurama glared at the silver haired male before sighing as he glanced at the katana near his waist. "We're so dead-"

"Hmmm, we're probably going to die if you choose to move but this is sort of fucked up, don't you think? Alright, I'll find a new jinguriki then. Rest In Peace-"

"SHUT IT! No one is going to die! I'll try to find a way to negotiate with this one. I'm going to take a huge guess that this might be another brother of Itama. Hmm...Silver hair...Red eyes...& Pale skin-"

"Well, he's probably the Second Hokage. Judging by the way you described him, then there's a chance it's him. Anyway, I'm done thinking. My last two brain cells are gone now."

A loud clatter of a sharp object had startled the tailed beast and his jinguriki as they glanced wide eyed at Itama who laughed at them. "YOU BRAT! WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!"

"Haha! You should have seen your face, Naru-nee! You looked like you were going to pee yourself!" A growl escaped the silver haired male as he walked closer to the blonde haired shinobi before nodding.

"Who are you and what do you think your doing with my brother?!" Naruko's blue ocean eyes widened in fear as the sharp katana was held near her neck. "I didn't do anything to him! I was just passing by!"

"Really? You can't even lie correctly? Can you do anything correctly?!" "Shut up Fox! I can lie correctly! I'm just a bit nervous! Ugh! Your completely useless right now! Please, help me out already!"

"Damnit! Itama, you little brat! Tell this...boy here that I'm not his enemy! Doesn't he have respect for his elders?!" In reality she had already known that he was a year older than her, but she didn't want to hurt her pride by believing that.

"Alright! Onii-San, please put down your sword! I promise she's only a friend! Although, I don't know why she's here! But she did say her name was.....?" "Seriously?! You already forgot my name?! What the hell!"

"Oh right! Well I'm sorry about that. Anyway, this is my Onii-San! His name is Tobirama Senju!" Oh good lord, as if this situation couldn't even get way more fucked up than it already was. "Right, well I think he could have introduced himself."

"He looks like an Ice Princess rather than a Hokage. I see why he has that silver hair." "Really, Kurama? Your jokes always sell away my last two brain cells every time! Will you shut up and listen for once?"

Tobirama had been keeping his eyes at the young blonde for a while now as he thought, "What the hell is wrong with her?" Naruko sighed once more before yelping as he sat in front of her while narrowing his eyes at her.

Itama looked at where his elder brother was looking before a blush made its way to his checks. "Onii-San! I never knew you were such a pervert." The brown and white haired Senju thought before blushing even more.

"Oi! Where the hell are you looking?! Turn away you pervert!" The young silver haired Senju kept looking at her now small chest before nodding to himself. "You're very flat near this area. Did you know that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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