chapter three

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"sup" i nodded towards michael as jess and i entered the house. "hey" he nodded back, putting on his leather jacket.

"where you going?" i questioned, taking off my black converse. "out with emma" he spoke. "ah right, the girlfriend" i laughed, shaking my head.

"where's haden?" "staying the night at his friends" i lied. but technically i'm not lying, he is with his friends, just at our beach house. michael only just nodded before exiting the house.

"let's go to the garage and see if duff is there" i suggested. "sure!" jess agreed, following suit.

"duff!" i called out, opening the door. "what" his voice called out. "just wanted to say hi" i giggled, watching him play bass on the beaten up couch.

"oh hey jess" duff greeted,  noticing her beside me. "hey" she shyly responded, biting her lip. oh gosh. jess has had a crush on duff ever since he moved in with us.

"where were you last night?" i questioned, grabbing two coke's from the fridge. "honestly, i don't remember" he shrugged, continuing to pluck the strings on his bass.

sounds like duff.

"ok, well if you need us we'll be in the basement" i smiled, earning a nod from him. i looked towards jess and she smiled before walking to the door.

"okay, so which movie you wanna watch?" i asked, setting down a basket of movies. "hm, are we in a horror, comedy, or love mood?" she questioned. "horror" both her and i answered at the same time.

"ooh, we should make a fort!" i suggested, remembering we had a shit ton of blankets in the storage closet. "that's a good idea!" jess agreed, jumping up.

we both carried out several blankets to the family room and dropped them on the ground. "got any christmas lights?" jess questioned, starting to move the couches.

"i think so" i nodded, going back to the closet. "lets see....aha" i nod, grabbing the lights and quickly stopping in my room before going back out to jess.

"damn, you moved the couches already" i laughed, holding up the lights. "perfect!" she smiled. "oh, and i brought another thing" i spoke, showing her the baggie of weed.

"thank you! here's your cigarettes" she smiled, reaching into her back pocket and handing the pack to me. "pleasure doing business with you" i joked.

so basically, i supply jess with weed (cause duff), and she supplies me with cigarettes because her dad always has a huge supply. i still smoke grass though, and she smokes cigarettes.

"ok, all we need now is snacks" jess nods, looking at our finished product. "i might just have to live in here" i laughed, in awe of how amazing it looked. "damn rights" she agreed.

"oh hey jess, good to see you" mom greeted, noticing jess and i walked into the living room. "you too, mrs murdock" she nodded. "please call me mary. mrs murdock makes me feel old" she smiled, rolling her eyes.

"anyways, what are you two up to?" she questioned, lighting up a cancer stick. "were gonna watch a movie" i mentioned. "i see" she smiled, exhaling.

"lets go get some drinks" i suggsted, looking to jess. she gave a thumbs up, so we walked past mom to get to the garage.

when we entered, duff was no longer there. "mustve went out" i shrugged, sitting on the couch. "mhm" jess nodded, sitting beside me. "got a lighter?" she questioned, looking around.

"got a whole collection" i smirked, opening a drawer full. "damn, can i have one?" "of course you can" i giggled, handing one off to her.

she slid a small table in front of her, and laid out the plant and the papers, while i waited for her to finish. "and done" she spoke, hplding up the freshly rolled blunt. she lit it up and took a couple drags before handing it off to me, and i did the same.

once we finished, we returned inside to get a few snacks. "were going downstairs now!" i yelled to mom who was still in the living room. "okay" she responded.

"ok, ready to start the movie?" i questioned, snuggled up in the blankets. "mhm" jess nodded, already stuffing her mouth full of popcorn.

not even ten minutes later, i heard a bunch of steps coming towards us. "where are you guys!" a voice called out. "in here" i shouted back, furrowing my eyebrows.

"oh...hey" i greeted, noticing duff standing there. "hey, uhm do you have any extra vodka?" duff questioned, scratching the back of his neck.

"did you think of checking the liquor cabinet?" i asked, rolling my eyes. "oh, right" he nodded. "why do you need more?" i laughed. "cause the boys came over" he explained.

"mhm, can ya say hi to slash for me?" i smiled. "okay" he nodded, before turning around and walking away.

"whos slash?" jess questioned from beside me. totally forgot she was here not gonna lie. "duffs new band mate" i explained. "oh, can i meet them?" she smirked. "sure, but dont take slash, i already claimed him."

we paused the movie, and ventured out to the garage where i knew everyone would be. before we actually got out though, moms voice stopped me.

"dahlia, where is your brother?" she asked, arms crossed. "which one?" i asked, knowing it was stupid to ask. "your twin." "oh he's sleeping over at his friends. i forgot to tell you earlier" i explained. "okay."

i opened the garage door and saw all the guys sitting around, talking, and drinking. "dahlia!" duff exclaimed, noticing my presence. "hey" i nodded, closing the door behind jess.

"uh everyone, this is my friend, jess. and jess thats axl, izzy, steven, and slash" i introduced. they all nodded their heads except for steven who excitedly waved.

"hi" jess shyly spoke. "come have a seat" axl spoke, patting his lap. nuh uh, ill pass on that. instead, jess and i took the two open spots on the couch beside izzy.

"so that's slash, huh?" jess whispered in my ear. "mhm" i nodded in return, trying not to draw attention to us. "he's hot" she then whispered again, making me give her a look.

"im joking!" she defended, making me roll my eyes. "i like steven, he's cute" she added. "why are you guys whispering?" axl questioned. "it's nothing to do with you" i smirked. "fiesty" he responded.

i only rolled my eyes in response, and scanned the room for some smokes. slash sat right across from me, and his cigarette was between his fingers, so i got off the couch and quickly swiped it away.

"hey!" he called out, making me just smile and sit back down. "sorry" i innocently shrugged, taking a long drag. duff errupted in laughter and jess and i shared a look.

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