II. Brock

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"Why are we getting coffee when it's this hot?" Dean grumbled from his place on Evie's small black sofa, idly scrolling his phone up and down, though he wasn't particularly using it. He locked his phone with a click and shoved it into the pocket of his straight black jeans, and folded his arms across his chest with a huff.

Evie peered from behind her wardrobe door to narrow her eyes at him. "Well, it's too early for the pub, Dean. So unless you have something else in mind?"

Her brother shakes his head with a small, "No."

"Exactly, shush. Anyway, I'm sure you can get an iced coffee if you're that hot."

"Jesus, you're getting as irritating as Mum."

She closed the wardrobe door with a slam and glared at her brother. "Er, I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. We don't talk about that woman in this house."

"You can't ignore her forever..."

"I can try." She assured him with a false smile. "Are we going or what? Fuckin' starving, I am."

"I've been waiting for you!" Dean squeaked as he stood, gesticulating towards her before smacking his hands back to his thighs.

She pointed at the door with a wide-eyed glare. "Let's go, then!"


The bright sun startled Harry as he breezed into the front hall of the old hotel, and he found himself staggering backwards and raising his hand in front of his eyes to faff for his sunglasses.

"Everything okay there, sir?"

Harry snapped his head in the direction of the concierge in tails and laughed at himself. "Thought I'd got away with that, sun's so bright I didn't even see you!"

The older man chuckled, taking a single step towards him with his hands clasped in front of him. "Definitely another day for sun cream and sunnies. What's on your agenda today, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Been here nearly a week and I haven't seen anything in the town, thought I'd take a wander down and see what I could find."

The man in tails nodded with a warm smile. "I see, do you need a map?"

Harry shook his head but grinned. "No thanks, I'm sure I'll be fine. Can't be that hard to get lost can it?" He mused over a giggle as he put his sunglasses on.

"Well... you never know. Have a good day, sir."

"And you!"

As Harry stepped out into the beautiful day outside, he greeted the gardener tending to the planters by the front door, and then began his way towards the town centre.

He once again found himself marvelling at the architecture of the building beside him, noticing how each individual courtyard below was decorated differently. He noted that all the doors were either white or stained wood, besides one, which the owner had opted to paint yellow. He picked up on that some houses had intercoms or multiple doorbells, whereas others had just one doorbell. He'd already been told that only two houses in the whole building had an elevator - the one in the hotel and then Number 14 next door.

Number 1 was kept as a museum - an insight to the life of the house when the Crescent was first built, but Harry was yet to visit. He had noticed there was always a man in costume waiting on the front doorstep, and he would say hello to anyone that passed him.

Harry waited on the pavement at the very edge of the Crescent while one of the big, red open-top sightseer buses skilfully rounded the corner, and then he hurried over to the right hand side of the road. He walked along Brock Street, still at a leisurely pace, towards the circular road he could never remember the name of - the one with the three big trees in the middle.

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