VII. Charlotte

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The walk home was perhaps a little surreal for Evangeline - where she remained clutching to Harry's arm with her hand still in his, and she often found herself gazing at him just a little bit too long. She was sure he'd noticed, but if he had, he kept his mouth shut. Perhaps it was the fresh air combined with the impressive amount of wine she'd drunk at Sotto Sotto, but her head was starting to feel a bit fuzzy. And the worst part was that red wine often acted either like a sleeping pill or a truth serum. She was hoping and praying that neither happened.

The streets were growing bare with the aging day, only the occasional person dotted around, and every so often a group of students out early for their night out. The sky was dark, the cobbled roads illuminated by the regal black streetlamps, and occasional front room light in the apartments above the high-street shops. Certain store fronts were lit up to showcase their displays in the late night, and occasionally you'd wander past a crowded and rowdy bar or two.

Harry was extra cautious with Evie as they walked over the more uneven cobbled surfaces, though he didn't hold much sympathy when she claimed her feet were hurting from her heels. She insisted she did it for him - which was actually true - to which he countered with the fact that he wasn't the one complaining about them, and reminded her that he thought she looked 'bloody good'. Once again she was giggling like a silly girl with a crush. No, wait; she was a silly girl with a crush.

Evie had always adored Bath in the evening and at night. A picture in certain places out of context could've given the impression one was in a foreign city - perhaps Rome or Paris. Tourists and living costs aside she was proud to call it her home - somewhere she could show off to anyone and everyone. If she never had to live anywhere else she would probably be happy.

Another thing that thrilled Harry even more than it thrilled Evie was that no one bat an eyelid in their direction. The city was full of residents and tourists alike who were so self-centred, that it really didn't matter who they were. For the first time, she was grateful for it.

She was too busy eyeing up a dress in a shop window and rambling on about nothing in particular when Harry froze beside her. She stopped her chatting and stared up at him, to see him frowning ahead of himself and squinting.


"Is that Theo?" Harry asked in a hushed tone, his frown deepening as he tried to focus his gaze.

Evie's stomach flipped as she hastily followed his gaze, and her heart thumped against her chest as she realised that Theo was indeed making his way towards them, with what appeared to be one of the girls from the restaurant - one notorious for cheating on her boyfriends - hooked around his arm.

"Shit." She heaved, unable to stop staring at them as they neared.

Before she had the chance to think or even register anything, Harry had yanked Evie under the alcove of a nearby shop entrance, his back facing the street so that her frame was completely hidden by his broad body. His arms were holding around hers, while hers slipped around his middle under his coat, he trying not to laugh as he kept an eye sideways for Theo and his apparent date, his frame shaking with his stifled laughter.

Evie's heart was still beating wildly as she rested her forehead against Harry's chest, and for some reason she felt the need to squeeze her eyes shut and roll her lips inwards - probably to try and stop her laughter. Because let's face it - it was slightly amusing, seeing her ex with the hotel bike while she was on a date with a hotel guest. A hotel guest who was much better looking and a much nicer person.

"Is he gone?" She asked quietly, glancing up to him.

"Not yet." He muttered, looking down at her with a smirk.

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