The Room of Requirement... (Drarry)

Start from the beginning

"Why do they want US to be stuck together in a room? What have we done to deserve this?" Harry complained as he looked at Draco.

"Idk.. Maybe they wanted us to be friends?" Draco, slowly said, as he looked down, perfectly aware of, why he was in here with Harry.

"That is never going to happen!.... Anyway.. What is that smell? It smells like, hair gel.. And.. apples? I think?" Harry said, as he looked around the room, searching for the smell source.

"Really? I think it smells like, broom polish, and.. Treacle tart?" Draco said, as he stood up and searched for the smell.

"Oh FUCK!" Draco said, as he found the source of the smell.

"What? What is it? Did you find the source?" Harry quickly said, as he went over to were Draco stood.

"Yep... It is a potion... Those Bitches!" Draco said, as he sat down on the floor, in the corner of the room, holding a bottle.

"Okay.... So? It is just a potion? What is wrong with that?" Harry asked, as he looked confused as hell.

"It isn't just any potion! It is Amortentia! The strongest love potion in the world. It smells different from each person depending on the things/persons you find attractive and calmning.. It doesen't create real love, but more of a pshyical obsession." Draco said as he laid the bottle down on the floor where it was found.

"So... Why would they leave a love potion in here?" Harry asked, slowly.

"Really Potter? You are so thick? Think about it?"

"I dont get i- Those bitches! They are trying to set us up, aren't they!?" Harry asked as he looked at Draco with widend eyes.

"Obviously!" Draco said, as he laid down in the couch, taking up all the space.

There was silent in a bit of time as Draco thought.

"Wait a minute.. What i smell is.. NOOO! NOOO! That can't be true.." Draco said loud as he thought to himself.

"Ugh.. What now?" Harry asked as he looked at Draco.

"EHm.. Nothing.. Hey Harry..?"

"ARE YOU OKAY!?" Harry jumped up, as he looked at Draco with eyes wide.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm fine?" Draco questioned as he looked back at Harry in confusion.

"The fuck? You called me Harry.. Sure you okay?"

"Gosh.. Yeah I'm fine. Stop being so dramatic it is a fucking name. Anyway.. What did you say you smelled again?"

"Ehm.. I smell.. Hair gel, and apples, i think? Why?"

"Hair gel, and apples, you say? Interesting... Hey Potter?"


"What is your sexuality, if i may ask?" Draco asked as polite he could.

"What kind of question is that? And why do you want to know?" Harry asked as he looked confused at Draco.

"No reason... I will let you figure it out on your own. But what is your sexuality?" DRaco asked again, a bit more aggresive this time.

"Fine, fine... Ehm.. Straight? I think?"

"You are absolutely sure that you are straight? Like 100% sure?"

"Idk.. I never thought about my sexuality.. I guees you like who you like? Idk?"

"Alright.. Potter? I want to help you figure this out a bit.. So the potion we found was Amortentia, right? It smells like what you are attracted to. You said you smelled Hair gel, and apples? Right?" Draco asked, as he looked at Harry.

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