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"Come on Tamzan you need to eat." I said putting the bowl down in front of me she just looked at me "okay how about if I let Bubbles come in and play?" I asked smiling. She looked at me and then at the bowl of food and started to eat it "yes. good girl." I said "hey Al." I heard Carly say from my radio "yea what's up?" I asked into the radio "there's a couple of guys in suits here to see you. They say that they got referred to you from a friend." She said "what friend?" I asked into the radio "a major Chapmen." She said confused. I sighed "I'll be there in five minutes." I said into the radio "okay." She answered. I took my hand off the radio attached to my shirt and looked back at the girl in front of me "this is gonna be interesting." I said more to myself. I stood up taking the now empty bowl off the ground and walking back towards the gate "hey Benny." I called out as I stopped at the now open gate "yea?" My friend called back from the top of the enclosure "once Bubbles is finished bring her in here. Tamz gets 20 minutes with her." I said Tamzan let out a cry I looked at her and sighed "make that 30 minutes." I said "you give in to her too easily boss." Benny said "what can I say they're my favourites." I said "you say that about all the animals." He said "no I don't." I said before walking out closing the gate behind me.

I got in the jeep and drove the slight distance to the offices. I walked in pushing my sunglasses onto the top of my head and putting the folders on the desk "finally." Carly said seeing me "I did say 5 minutes." I said looking at my watch "it was exactly 5 minutes." I said she rolled her eyes "where are they?" I asked "in your office." She said I sighed "what have I said about letting people in my office when I'm not in there?" I asked not mad just slightly frustrated "I'm sorry boss." She said "it's okay. Just remember to just get people to wait out here or in the lounge while I'm out. Okay?" I asked "yep. Will do." She said "okay." I said patting her shoulder and walking to my office. I took a deep breath before opening the door "okay now how can I help you gentlemen?" I asked going and sitting behind my desk "we are after an animal behaviouralist and major Jack Chapmen recommended you." The older of the two men said I looked them over examining their features "so you two are scientists, you work for an American government funded company and you are running out of funding so you are desperately clinging onto this expedition which could quite possibly be your last. Which means that it is something that could be ground breaking. And based on the need for an animal behaviouralist this is an uncharted area and the need for the American army and pilots it's an uncharted island that we are exploring. Which means we could be facing anything." I said they both looked at me shocked "I'm right so far." I more said then asked the younger darker skinned one nodded "okay. So uncharted island probably a storm system, military escort, scientists so possible death. So I would expect to be nicely paid. And an extra given we survive this." I said "name your price." The older man said "oh you are desperate, and the company you work for is going broke and probably going to be shut down. Which means you are expecting to find something on this island that will not only keep you afloat but give you a whole new engine." I said the younger man looked at me shocked the older man looked at me waiting for me to continue "500,000 American. And an extra 50,000 if we get back." I said they looked at me shocked "I've got a sanctuary to run." I said crossing my arms over my chest they looked at each other then back at me "we can do 250,000 now and then you can get the other 300,000 when we get home." The older man said. I looked at him blankly "you give the other 300,000 to this sanctuary if I die." I said "deal." He said I looked between the two men "where and when?" I asked "Athena docked in pier 14 Bangkok 6 o'clock tomorrow night." The older man said I took note in my brain "okay. You can leave the check with Carly at the front desk on your way out." I said he looked at me trying to analyse my face "very well. It was lovely meeting you miss Matthews." The younger man said as they both stood up. I just looked at them and they left my office. As soon as they walked out I slouched back down getting my notepad and writing down the ship information they gave me.

"Okay, Carly. I should only be gone about a week or two." I said "so while I'm gone Benny is in charge. I need you to listen to him." I said "yes boss." She said "hey boss!" Benny called out "what's up?" I asked walking back to the office "you sure they're gonna give us the extra money?" He asked "well if I come back then definitely because I will fight for it if I have to. If I don't survive then you guys can fight for it. We have a legally binding document." I said "well then you better make it back. You know I'm terrible at the legality stuff." He said I laughed a little "if you need any help with documents or paperwork while I'm gone call Grace." I said "okay." He said.

Reg Slivko (Kong: Skull Island)Where stories live. Discover now