Start from the beginning

Despite the spell Gemini had cast, Draco stole a glimpse or two of their surroundings. Even going as far as to glare at a younger Hufflepuff that scurried past. "Are you certain that your spell-work is adequate enough in warding off eavesdroppers?," the blonde quipped. The female exasperatedly sighed whilst pinching the bridge of her nose. "Merlin, Malfoy," she bit. "I am not a fucking Squib." The blonde nodded; opening his mouth before visibly hesitating. "This rare moment between the two of us is going to fizzle out and die much more quickly if you do not say what it is you wish to say," the Gryffindor lass professed. Her weary cousin, now probed, rushed out, "Did he lay hands on you in an unsatisfactory way?" Of all of the things...Gemini certainly did not expect that to tumble out of the arrogant blonde.

"No," Gemini breathed; staring at her cousin in a new light. "Do you think he'd even be alive if he did? What made you think such a thing?" Malfoy fidgeted, playing with his fingers in a very un-malfoyish way, "I don't truthfully know as to why that was my main conclusion. It is just, well, I...I don't believe I have ever seen you so clearly perturbed before. And you've had a multitude of horrendous obstacles, including myself, up against you. Something truly...difficult, let's say, had to occur for you to present yourself as so lost. Anger is a common mask you wear to such jeers, but I do believe I have never seen such hopelessness before. Such visible hopelessness, anyways. The only thing I could think of is that someone genuinely hurt you. And, well, you've never been one to really respond to mere words before. So, I just assumed...And, when you said Potter..." Gemini cleared her throat, tears gathering in her eyes once more, effectively cutting off anything else Malfoy would spill of his train of thought. "I appreciate your concern, Malfoy. But you shouldn't worry yourself over it. Harry did hurt me, yes. Though not how you thought. I assume it stung so badly due to how much he means to me. But I should have expected it, you know? He simply saw me how everyone else did. Sirius Black's daughter," she grimaced. "Oh, and don't give yourself that much credit," Gemini joked; a watery chuckle escaping her, "I do not consider you a large obstacle in my life. After all, you are just a scared little boy." The boy in reference promptly shoved her off the stone ledge. "Oi," she yelped; brushing off any dust as she stood, "You know it's true." He shook his head, a ghost of a smile painting cold features, and puffed, "This is what I get for being nice. Imagine."

"Are you doing alright?," she questioned; all jokes aside. It was only nice to question his own health considering how he'd previously been fretful of hers. In his own weird way, of course. Reiteratively, the fair-headed lad peered behind his familial relation to verify no fellow Slytherins stood near. "Malfoy," Gemini probed further; alert to how he gulped in anticipation, "Is everything okay? You can tell me." The words were meant to assure him, coax the rumination out. But they only seemed to send him into a deeper restiveness. "Draco," she whispered; tenderness lacing her tone. And that worked like a charm, his blue eyes zeroing in on her countenance. "I do not require your pity," he spit; attempting to stand only to be pushed down. "And I didn't require yours," Gemini challenged. "But," she continued; cautiously sitting down, "I don't know if you recall our introduction to one another...I accepted your handshake. Giving my word that I'd love to get to know you, rest assured you lost that stick up your arse alongside that signature helmet hair. I knew, even then, that there was more to you than the miniature version of Lucius Malfoy. And to me, it looks like you could use that friend. If you'll have me. Though, I am not saying I forgive you for your unabashed officiousness. Learned or not, you have been a right dick. But...you could always change. The sooner the better."

"You sound like Freddie," the blonde muttered; a red hue now dotting his cheeks. "Yes, well, Fred Weasley is quite smart. Don't ever tell him I told you that, though," she laughed. Draco gestured his head in acknowledgment, not trying to fight the smile that spread across his face. "Look," Gemini breathed; realizing she wasn't going to get anywhere with him just yet, "I am not going to push you into revealing what it is that you desperately wish to admit. But, I will say this. I know what it is like to feel terribly alone, not having a single soul in your corner that truly understands just how you feel. Though I have my issues, I'll never know what it is like to be in your shoes. With Lucius Malfoy looming over you. With marriage contracts. With connections to Voldemort. Amongst other things I have yet to assume of your life. I am not talking to you right now to get information out of you and run back to Harry Potter. I am talking to you right now as your cousin. Look at me, Draco. Because I mainly want you to hear this part. I am sure Freddie has already offered, and no he has not told me. But if you ever find it to be too much...come to me. No questions asked. No pushing. No expectations. Live with me. Share my bedroom with me. Get resorted, my Werewolf of a father will push it. Eat dinner with us in our cottage and never worry about what you'll be subjected to in that house. When you decide to fight for what you want, I'll never stop fighting for you. This is me telling you that you are not alone. Just let me know when." His mouth opened and closed; forming words he hadn't let slip. Finally, he whispered, "They'll hate you more for siding with me. If that time ever comes." Taking one look at the hope blossoming behind his eyes; Gemini stated, "Let them." Then, standing up and offering her hand, she proposed, "Now, enough of that. I am sure it is dinner time by now. How about we sneak into the kitchens and eat away from peering eyes?"

Her smile shone once his hand slipped into hers.

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