𝟎𝟐𝟖. do what you gotta do

Start from the beginning

"Yup," Carlos said as he went off.

"Uh...okay?" Ethan said, confused as he followed Jay.

Celia started to run after them but Mal stopped her, "Hey, hey, hey, hey not you. They got this. You, me and Bryce gotta go find the ember."

"Good timing," Celia said as she led me and Mal to Hades' lair, "It's right about his nap time." Mal and I shared concerned looks.

Celia led me and Mal to a cave entrance that had a locked mental gate in the front of it. It had the outline of a skull on it with the words 'Get lost!' above it.

Okay...I guess he doesn't like people that much. No shit sherlock.

Celia put the key in the keyhole and turned it when I noticed a sign behind Celia.

"Hey. How big is that dog?" I asked Celia as I gestured the 'Beware of Dog!' sign behind Celia.

"You'll see," Celia told me and Mal, seriously before opening the gate walking inside. Mal and I looked at the Isle one more time, because this could be the last time we see the light of day, before we followed Celia.

"Okay, stay quiet. It echoes like crazy in here," Celia warned us before leading us through the cave. Me and Mal both jumped when we heard a dog barking.

The fuck?!

"Come on," Celia said as she gestured to me and Mal to keep moving, "Cone on."

Celia led me and Mal over to a three-person bike that had mining hats on it. We put the hats on and turned on the lights before getting on the bike and riding it through the tunnels. Celia gave Me and Mal a thumbs up as we came to a stop in front of the entrance to Hades' lair. We quietly got off the bike and put the hats down before Celia led us into the lair. Celia dramatically gestured around the lair as Mal and I looked down below to see Hades sleeping on a chair, which was awkwardly placed in the middle of the lair.

Okay...? I guess. Not what I was expecting from a literal fucking god.

We quietly walked down the stairs as Celia pointed to the sleeping Hades with the ember on the table next to him, causing Mal to nod. We carefully continued down the stairs when the barking started again, causing me and Mal to looked around, frantically. Celia smiled and pointed to a record player that was playing a recording of a dog barking.

What fuck is this guy thinking?

I rolled my eyes as Mal was about to walk straight towards Hades when Celia stopped her. She gestured Mal to go to the right, so she could sneak behind Hades. As Mal crept towards Hades, Celia got annoyed with the recording and turned it off, which caused Hades to wake up.

Great now we're really about to die.

"What are you doing here?" Hades asked Celia, without opening his eyes.

How the fuck does he do that?!

"I noticed you were low on canned corn," Celia told Hades as he turned to look at her.

Celia tossed him a can as he caught it in one hand as his other shot out and caught Mal's wrist just as she was about to grab the ember and slowly turned to face Mal.

"Hi dad," Mal said, simply as Celia looked me, shocked. I just shrugged as Celia looked back at them.

I already knew Mal's dad was Hades, she told me, Ethan and Evie. And yikes it was pretty shocking.

Hades took off his sunglasses and jokingly waved to Mal.

"Quite the show you put on the other day," Hades told Mal.

𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄, descendants.Where stories live. Discover now