'yeh, i guess she kinda gets what's happening.'

'you think we're ready?'

'yeh actually,' gina smiled. 'and i can tell you're excited, you've barely stopped smiling after i said i think they're gonna be early.'

rosa didn't have a reply to that, her smile just widened as she leaned in and kissed gina. the two probably wouldn't have stopped for a while if it wasn't for the baby kicking gina's side, causing her to pull away from her fiancé and swear as she clenched her left side.

'hey, you okay?'

'mhm, they just kicked a bit too hard.' gina replied, 'definitely a swimmer or a footballer.' she laughed, trying to reassure rosa

'are you sure you're okay? it looked like it hurt babe.'

'i promise i'm good,' she pecked rosa's lips again. 'but i'd be better if you made me a bagel,' the auburn woman grinned.

'i can do that,' rosa smiled before heading into the kitchen

she returned to the couch a few minutes later to find gina half asleep

'tired?' the sergeant asked, to which gina groaned and sat up slightly so she could grab the plate from her girlfriend. she placed it on her stomach, as it had become a plate and cup holder over the past few months, before picking up half of the bagel.

'thanks,' she mumbled, resting her head on rosa's shoulder when the ravenette eventually sat down.

'no problem,' rosa smiled as she kissed the other's hair. 'we'll get to bed soon, it could be our last peaceful night for like... a few years at least.'

gina smiled. 'i doubt it, but maybe,' she said between mouthfuls.


the couple eventually made their way to bed when gina began falling asleep on the couch. rosa hated waking her up, but she knew that it would be better for gina and the baby if she came to bed.

'i love you babe,' a half asleep gina kissed her girlfriend

'i love you too. enjoy one of the last peaceful nights for a while.'

'you're really excited about this kid aren't you?'

'i know we have ig but i'm gonna watch this baby grow up from the day they're born. i don't love ig less or anything, but now it's like... i don't know, i'm just excited,' rosa now had a wide grin on her face

the cop's girlfriend smiled and kissed her cheek. 'i love you so much.'

'i love you too babe, now get some rest.'

'night roro,' the auburn haired woman cuddled further into her fiancé.

'night gi.'


the night was not peaceful. about an hour after rosa had fallen asleep, she was woken up by crying coming from iggy's room.

gina began to stir. 'you want me to get her?' she mumbled

'no babe, i got it.' the sergeant got out of bed, not before kissing gina's cheek, and made her way to her daughter's room. 'what's the matter sweetie?' she asked as she picked the small girl up.

the child tightly clung onto her mom and calmed down after a few minutes. 'are you okay now?' the detective questioned

'no momma,' the girl buried her head into rosa's neck

'it's okay princess, i'm not going anywhere.' she sat down on iggy's bed, still holding the child in the same position. the pair stayed there for a few minutes until rosa thought iggy was asleep again. as she stood up, iggy began to cry again. 'okay, it's okay. you wanna come sleep with me and mommy tonight?'


'we can't go see the duckies right now ig, they'll all be asleep because they're tired. we can go see them tomorrow okay?'

'and cookies?'

'we can see the duckies and make cookies if you go to sleep now.'


'no? why not?' rosa asked. iggy was usually a pretty good kid and rosa was confused. she laid down on the bed and wrapped her arms around iggy, 'i won't go anywhere.'

'iggy seed a monster, momma.' the two year old spoke up eventually

'there's no monster princess, i promise.'


the pair must've eventually fallen asleep, but rosa was woken up again by iggy's crying.

'shh, it's okay. i'm right here princess.' rosa mumbled sleepily, forcing herself to wake


'mommy's in bed princess, you wanna go see her or stay here with me?'

'momma,' she said sleepily. 'with momma.' she cuddled further into rosa before falling asleep after a few minutes

'i love you iggy.' rosa smiled

'hey can you come to bed now? i'm cold without you.' gina whispered from the bedroom door

'how long were you there for?'

'not that long, just when i heard her crying.' gina smiled at the view of her fiancé and her daughter

'i can't really move, ig's on my arm and i also don't wanna leave her alone.'

'ugh i love you so so much.' gina sighed before collapsing down next to rosa on iggy's single bed. rosa and iggy barely fit and now with all three (four) of them it was even tighter, but rosa was happy. she couldn't really be happier. her fiancé, her daughter, her other child who she was only days away from meeting; she was happy.

written: july 2021
published: july 2021

a/n: this is a lot longer than most of my other chapters but i feel like a lot of the next ones will turn into something around this length, maybe a little longer for a few like the baby and the wedding :)

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