The Headquarters

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The two months of summer felt like two decades. Everywhere Y/N looked, there was something that reminded her of him. Though she was never left alone, either Fiona,who was now living with the Y/L/Ns , George, who visited her every other day or her family who surrounded her constantly. Yet, the void left behind by him was so large that all these people put together couldn't fill it. Y/N was thankful for all they were doing, but, at the end of the day a little piece of junk that was remotely associated to him made the memories of that evening come rushing back to her. Those eyes , emotionless and staring into nothing and the pale face that were once source of joy and warmth to everyone around. It was horrifying and heartbreaking at the same time. Y/N couldn't bring herself to go to his funeral. She didn't have the heart to look at him lifeless another time. Her family and Fiona had attended it, while she stayed back in London with George. He had been so supportive and caring to Y/N through all this that she almost felt guilty to put him through all this. This summer was supposed to be about them. They should've spent some quality time together. Instead, George was tending to her nightmares and her sudden breakdowns. 

"I-I am....sorry, Georgie" said Y/N suddenly, sitting up on her bed with sweat beads forming on her forehead one night. George was sleeping beside her and he had woken up by the disturbance. She had one of her regular nightmares about Cedric. "Hey,hey! I'll always be here for you and you don't need to apologize,okay. You are mine and I will do anything to make sure that you are fine. Okay?" said George cupping her face with his palms. He planted a kiss on her forehead and pulled her into his chest. There was something very calming about his presence. His warm hugs were the only things that helped Y/N calm her nerves these days. He rubbed soothing circles on her back. He carefully lay them back down, Y/N still pressed to his chest. He started to run his fingers through her hair and felt her relax to this. He started to hum gently into her ears and move his other hand up and down her back slowly. She snuggled into him more and his familiar scent calmed her. "You feeling okay,love?" he asked gently. Y/N pulled away from his chest and looked at him. She managed to form a small smile on her face and nodded. He leaned and pressed a peck on her lip . She put her face back in his chest as they cuddled,sleep finally taking over her.

"What is this rubbish, they are writing about Potter in here?" said Fiona looking up from the morning's Daily Prophet. "Is he really expelled from Hogwarts?" she asked. "No, not really. Dumbledore is making sure that he is not. But, the Dementors really did attack him and that imbecile fat cousin of his. He had to cast the Patronus Charm to save their lives" said George as the three of them sat in Y/N's room. Y/N was busy playing with her niece Emma. "These Prophet people, they have made a bloody joke of his death. They don't believe that Voldemort is actually back" scoffed Y/N , putting Emma down on the bed. George and Fiona winced at the name, but , Y/N had stopped caring . "Actually, it's the ministry. The Minister doesn't want to believe he his back. Atleast, that what I have gathered from these Order meetings in the past month" shrugged George. The Weasleys had moved to 12 Grimmauld Place over the summer, because Arthur and Molly Weasley were part of this secret society The Order of the Phoenix formed by Dumbledore to resist Voldemort, during the first Wizarding War. Fiona's parents were a part of the original Order with the Potters, Longbottoms , Sirius Black and that bastard Peter Pettigrew. No one had ever expected anything from that good for nothing slimy git and he was the one who had sold the Potters to Voldemort and now, he had killed Cedric."So, the Ministry is controlling all the press?" asked Y/N,George nodded. "This is rubbish!! Potter is going to be tried for performing underage magic!!" exclaimed Fiona. "Yes, they have fixed his trial date two days from today. Poor bloke was already having a bad time with his survivor's guilt, now this" nodded George. "The ministry will do anything to save their faces and deny his return, won't they? I want to meet Potter" said Y/N. "You can come to Sirius's place with me. Mum has invited you infact" said George with a small smile.

"Kids! Come down" came Y/N's mum's voice from downstairs. It was Fiona's birthday and Y/N's mum and Emily had prepared a nice dinner for all. All of them stood up and Y/N was about to pick up Emma when she called out "Weely". George's head snapped back at this. A small smile formed on Y/N's lips. "She seems to have warmed up to you, Weely" she teased George as he picked up the little girl in his arms."What can I say, I am a very warm person" said George puffing his chest. Y/N chuckled a little at this. George's heart melted at this sight. He was reminded of the old bubbly and feisty Y/N for a flickering moment. It faded as soon as it came. Y/N was back to looking grave in a second. They all walked down the stairs to the dining table. George struggled to let Emma off  him as she was not letting go of her shirt. Emily finally managed to pull her off after sometime and George pulled a chair and sat beside Y/N. "You lot have made my daughter chase after redhairs" joked Y/N's brother from other side of the table. Y/N smiled at this. George intertwined his fingers with her under the table and kept them that way till the end of the meals. "Thank you so much, Mrs.Y/L/N and Emily and all of you really. It is true I miss my granpip and his Treacle Tarts, but , this is the closest I have felt to having a family again, since his passing" said Fiona. "Oh!! You are always welcome in our house, darling" said Y/N's mum stretching her hand and patting Fiona's. "You and Weasley here have been a great help" nodded Y/N's father and smiled. "We'll always be there for each other. Isn't it Y/N and George?" Fiona looked at them. They nodded.

A crashing noise from the Kitchen and Emma's muffled cries came almost simultaneously. "Y/N....I am so sorry" came Emily's voice from their bedroom. Y/N stood up from her seat and ran upstairs, George and Fiona follwed. They came down with their wands and ran into the kitchen as more plates were crashing. "Feels good to do magic without any consequences , innit?" smiled Fiona. "REPARO"  said the three of them together and waved their wands. The plates went back to their original unharmed states and settled back into the shelves. "I think I should leave. It's late. Mum will be waiting" said George kissing Y/N. "George! Is Harry still having those...... nightmares?" asked Y/N. "I think so , yeah" he shrugged. "Please give him our best and tell him that we believe him" said Fiona. "I want to meet him , Georgie. After his trial. I hope he doesn't get expelled. But, whatever it is I want to talk to him,okay?" said Y/N hugging George. "Be ready around five in the afternoon, day after tomorrow. We'll apparate to the headquarters. Good night ,love. Good night ,Fi" "Night". George apparated from the kitchen .

In your Dreams (G.W.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon