Vault No.626

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It had been five hours since Y/N had got back to their father's London apartment from King's Cross. She hadn't had a morsel of food inside of her since that night. George had continously insisted on eating something but she had denied. She now sat on the floor of her dark room. Tears still flowing. She had this framed picture of her and Cedric clutched to her chest. There was a knock on her door. "Y/N,Honey" came her mother's muffled voice from the other side of the door. "Please have something.Open up, dearie"her voice cracked. Y/N didn't move from her place. It was too painful for her to even move a limb."Honey,please . Open up!" her mother knocked again. She still didn't move. Her mother gave , she heard retreating footsteps. "Why did you have to go like this?" she looked at the picture. "You didn't even say goodbye". 

She had dozed off like that . There was a knock on her door again. Hours had passed or maybe minutes. She had no idea. She woke up with a start. "Y/N,Love. Open up! It's me" came George's muffled voice. She didn't budge but he threatened to sleep outside her door if she didn't. She stood up slowly and walked towards the door. She left it ajar and walked back and sat down. George pushed it open gently and entered. Four other figures followed him into the dark room. He switched on the lights and was heartbroken to look at Y/N's swollen and red face. Val, Al, Fi and Marc made their ways to her. They hugged each other and sobbed. "He-he didn't even say goodbye" choked Y/N. They stayed that way for a while. Finally, George kneeled down infront of her and cupped her face in his palms and wiped her tears with his thumb. "Happy Birthday, darling" he gave her a small and sad smile. Y/N jumped onto George and wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into his chest. "Happy Birthday, Y/N" said Fiona rubbing Y/N's back. "Here, Ced left you something" said Al placing a letter and a little pouch on the ground. "He had this surprise planned for you . We all had...." started Val , but could not continue as she broke down in Marc's arms.

 Y/N pulled away from George and settled back down. She picked up the pouch with her shaking hands. She looked around and everyone nodded. She opened the pouch a fished out a key. She then proceeded to open the letter. It read:

Dearest The pain in my arse,

If you are reading this , then probably the competition got to me and I am  lying unconscious in the Hospital Wing. I have won , but, I couldn't keep it together. This situation is highly unlikely, but you know  I always have a Plan B. I'll give it to Val so she could keep a check on me. You know how hard it is to not blurt  my guts out as soon as I see you. I cannot keep it in anymore. Just a few days from now, you are going to turn seventeen. Goodness gracious, how have I even managed to not break your neck in the last fifteen years. You have always filled up the void of a sister and a friend in my life. Imagining a life without you at this point , is as impossible as teaching a mountain troll etiquettes.

I hope you remember about our savings piggy bank. I had all the muggle money you had put in it before Hogwarts converted into Galleons and you will be impressed to know that until  this summer we have collected a whooping amount of two thousand galleons. I know I shouldn't be over confident, but I can feel it in my gut that I am going to win this tournament. And when I do, we can add these thousand and go on a trip around the world  after our graduation as we had planned. We can research about the jobs we want to pursue in detail.I know you have been maintaining regular correspondence with Tonks and helping out Madam Pomfrey , but a little on field experience won't hurt, will it?

So, I have placed this money in  Gringotts vault number 626 , when we went to Diagon Alley. You were off with Fiona and Alfea to get your new robes, when I snuck out . The Goblin was an arse. These creatures should be fascinating to study, I tell you. Later about that. But, I am leaving this key in Al's possession for now, because again, I cannot hold it in everytime you look into my eyes. Oh!! this excitement of mine will be the end of me someday!!  But, what to do your little arse doesn't turn seveenteen every year, now , does she? So, if I am still not here , just come up to the Infirmary and slap me to consciousness. Waiting to explore the world and spend our whole lives together , bickering .

Happy Birthday, Y/N.




The letter slipped from Y/N's grip. "How- how do I wake him up , now?" she wailed. George picked her up and held her in his chest. "Shhh....Love. Everything will be fine. You'll be alright" he said stroking her hair. Y/N's family had gathered on her doorway. Her mum was sobbing in her father's arms. Her brother and Emily stood there silently watching the scene , teary eyed. "Oh! my poor child" her mother came running and George let go of her. "I-I cannot .......mum, it is-is...." she broke down in her mother's arms. Her brother kneeled down behind their mother and stroked Y/N's head . "Happy-happy Birthday ,kiddo. Ced would-wouldn't have.... wanted you to be - be like this on your birthday, now. Would he?"he said. "Darling, come down have something. Please. You'll fall sick" said her mum cupping her face in her palms. She barely nodded.George and her mother helped her up. She nodded to George to hold her. George intertwined their fingers and put his other hand around her shoulder and started to walk slowly towards the door. The others followed. "You all have some food too. Come" said Y/N's father to the other four. "Mum has sent you her famous Pumpkin and Cauldron cakes. She also said that I can spend as much time with you , as musch you want. You will be okay, darling. We will be alright" George whispered into Y/N's ears as they walked down the steps. She jus nodded .

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