"Are you really that stupid? Didn't you see that the dress I bought was the last one in stock?" Jennie asked with a panicked shriek in her voice. 

Before Jaehyun could give another lazy response, Lisa intervened. "Jen, what happened? Are you okay?" She asked gently. "No! Does it look like I'm okay?" Jennie yelled at her. When Hoseok came into sight, she smiled with the thought that Jungkook might be following behind. But her smile fell when she only saw Hoseok's boyfriend appear from behind.

"Chill, she was just trying to make sure if you're alright." Hoseok told her. "Shut up! I don't care." Jennie scoffed. 

Jimin was having enough and so was Wheein. "I have had enough of her voice." Jimin complained before he stomped over to Jennie and the other few. "As of I." Wheein agreed, following right behind Jimin on his march towards Jennie. The other two looked at each other with a nervous expression before following behind the angered group.

"I have had enough of your mouth. Why can't you appreciate the fact that your friends are concerned for your well being." Jimin yelled at Jennie. "And who are you?" Jennie asked as she scowled. "A person with a better heart than yours. And a better brain too you dumb whore." Wheein insulted her, making Jin and Jisoo snicker at the comment.  

Everyone was snickering, even Hoseok's boyfriend and Jaehyun was laughing at the comment, but Jennie didn't appreciate it not one bit. "Stop it! You're all the dumb ones." Jennie commented, making all of their laughter die down. "From what I could tell from last night, you're the actual and only dumb one here." Hoseok's boyfriend spoke up, surprising all around him.

"Excuse me? And what is that supposed to mean?" Jennie asked, her tone showed that she was offended. "I mean, you break up with Hobi's friend, Jungkook, just so you could find an upgrade that can be your bank? You gave up a sweet, caring, and kind soul, such as Jungkook, for someone who's lousy and careless, just because you just wanted someone to pay off your new lip balm or whatever some of you dumbass cheerleaders purchase to complete your Barbie look." Hoseok boyfriend said.

Jennie was at a lost of words, she couldn't even find anything mean or "smart" to say. "Who... who are you?" Is all she could mutter out and ask. "Yoongi, bitch. Now get your shit together before you piss off the wrong people who aren't as humble as us. You might end up getting a weave or two pulled out the next time you act like a petty, rude, bitch to someone." Yoongi replied before grabbing Hoseok's hand and turning to leave with him. 

Lisa followed behind. Soon after, Jimin, Wheein, Jin and Jisoo left as well. Jennie, still baffled and shocked about what just happened, didn't even know what to say but she got mad when they left. "Hey! I'm not done with you guys. Come back!" She called after them all. Jin turned around and smiled. "Actual hun, I think we are. Bye, bye." Jin said before turning back around and going back to walking with his friends.

"Jisoo? Did you get the recording?" Wheein asked. "Of course, got it right here." Jisoo confirmed, waving her phone in front of her friend's eyes. "Good now send the recording to Taehyung." Jin instructed her. "Will do, bro." Jisoo said before typing away on her phone. "Stop calling me 'bro'." Jin complained. "But you are my brother. My fraternal twin, bro." Jisoo explained, adding the "bro" on purpose to further pester Jin. "Stop it!" Jin whined. 

"You could clearly tell that their related." Jimin chuckled, having Wheein giggle in agreement. "Stop whining, I'm texting Taehyung right now." Jisoo shushed him, going back to texting Taehyung soon after.



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