Chapter 6

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"Whoa there Shrek, calm the hell down!" Tony yells to the monster. I now realize it's the Hulk. The one and only. The gamma radioactive man who fought in New York City. "We are the place and we are going to get out of this dump, alright?"

The Hulk exhaled sharply, flaring his nostrils. "Fine," he muttered. It bugged me that Stark said 'the place' instead of 'a place' but I thought it must have been a grammar slip.

I made the mistake of laughing. The Hulk spinned around so viciously I felt my heart stop. He took only one step toward me, having to duct from the ceiling. There he stood in front of me, his chest going in and out. The Hulk lifted his fist up ready to strike me. My instincts kicked in and I ducted down, rolling under his spread out legs.

"Stark, a little help here," I say. The Hulk spins around, even more angry than before.

"But this is just getting good," Stark says obviously amused. This time, Hulk goes from the stomp approach but I roll off the the side before he can squish me.

"Ugh, fine," Stark says and stands up, "Brucie, she's okay! She's on our side!"

The Hulk stopped trying to pursue me but the look on his face was obvious that he didn't trust me. "I'm Amelia White, nice to meet you Mr... uh... Hulk?"

The Hulk looks me from head to toe and grunts. "Aww he likes you!" Stark says.

I roll my eyes, "Lets just get out of here," I tell them. As I try and walk out, I'm picked up by a hand that is bigger than my torso.

"Let me down, you lug!" I yell. It probably wasn't a smart thing to say in the hands of a beast. All I got from the big guy was another grunt. In the Hulks left hand was Stark, leisurely resting his elbow in the Hulks knuckle and he rested his head on his hand. He was just too cocky.

"It's better if you just go with it," Stark says and I huff. The Hulk, obviously not able to fit through the door, smashed through it. Many bad guys rushed towards us but green guy over here kicked them easily to the side.

"Wow, I really could have used you five minutes ago," I muttered and went in the same position as Stark.

Hulk raced threw the halls as Stark and I were thrown right and left. The wind rushed threw my hair and by now my pony tail was very low. We took rights and left until we finally came to a door which once again, Hulk busted through. I had to squint my eyes once we reached outside. We were in the middle of nowhere, dry land and I felt like I was in Area 52.

Green Machine, I swear to God, sniffed the air. What? Who sniffs the air? He then gripped Stark and I tighter then the last time. "Oh boy," I heard Stark sarcastically say. I was surprised that he knew what would happen next. The Hulk bended his large, green thighs and jumped. We legit jumped so high into the air and soared. It was almost as if we flew with occasional landings. After a minute of shock I let loose. Never in my life had I flown without and airplane, I'm sure most people have but it was a great feeling. It must have been the feeling dogs get when they sick their heads out the window.

"Whohooo!" I yelled as we bobbed up and down. Stark did not look like he was having a good time. I guess he was used to flying in his fancy suit. After awhile of jumping and my stomach lurching, he finally stopped, dropped us, and started to wobble. The Hulk walked away, weary to where a gas station was. It didn't look like anyone was around and the Hulk went behind it.

"What's he doing?" I asked Stark.

He sighed. "The butterfly is becoming the damn caterpillar again," Tony said.

"Should we go help him or- " I started to say.

"Just let him do his thing," Stark tells me.

"I have a feeling you say that a lot," I respond. He chuckles.

"Usually I'm against the whole 'not-Tony-Stark' style but, uh, I let some things slide for Green Beans," Stark explains. I laugh at the nickname.

"And I'm sure your all about style," I say.

"It's funny you say that," Stark ends. He then walks toward the gas station. I looked around at what this place was like. It was still like a dessert. I saw some homes but I didn't see any people. Wind carried sand toward my face and I squinted my eyes. I followed Stark to the front door of the gas station.

When we came up to the old-timey looking gas station an old-timey sign read "Closed from 10 a.m. to 7p.m"

"Well too bad I'm a rule breaker," Tony mutters and tried to open the door by slamming his shoulder into the door. He was disappointed when it didn't break. He tried once again and to no avail. He tried once more and when that didn't work he kicked it over and over again.

"Stark," I tried, "Stark!" I yelled and he stopped. I turned the knob and opened the door. I pushed the door open and it creaked as I held out my hands. "For a genius, your not very bright."

"Am, too," he argues and steps inside. Everything was dusty.

"This must have been abandoned during the Dust Bowl," I think out loud and look all around at shelves that have been emptied.

"Steverino would love this place," Stark says, looking at it as well.

"Steverino? I question.

"You know, Captain America, kind of an overrated title if you ask me," Tony says, walking down aisles to see if there was anything we could take.

I laugh. "That's funny," I say, not bothering to be literate.

"I'm a funny guy," he says and it's a bit of silence. I found nothing in the shelves so I decided to check the back room.

"So, uh, do you know Captain America well?" I yelled from a different room to Stark. I put my hands on my hips when I saw many cardboard boxes.

"Sure, he's got a stick up his ass, annoying, a do-gooder guy-" he rambled on. I stopped listening when I started to open the boxes. In one box there was water. I pushed it aside, saving it for later. The weird thing was was that it looked new when the rest of the place defiantly wasn't. The next box was complete with a whole outfit of dark clothes.

Stark still rambled on until I interrupted, "Stark! I found somethings!" I yelled. I heard his footsteps waltzing towards my way.

I open another box full of white rice. Convenient. That lasts for a long time. When he came in he saw the clothes and rummaged through them. "These would look good on me," he says. I roll my eyes.

"We should probably give them to your big friend, considering he is a caterpillar not a butterfly now," I told him and brought the box outside. Nothing seemed to have changed. I walked around to the back but found no one there. I expected some naked man to be there but nobody was. I looked at my surroundings, spinning around.

"Mr. Hulk? I yelled. No one answered. "Shit."

I set the box down on the ground and ran inside. Stark is knows the Hulk, he's got to know where he has gone.

However, when I ran back into the room where the boxes were, he was gone. "Stark?" I yelled. "Stark?!" I yelled louder.

Once again, I muttered, "Shit."





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