Sometimes is just an epilogue

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Dating Wanda Maximoff is not easy at first.

After your date on Saturday, you wake up late on Sunday, especially since you got home in the morning. Not even your mother's scolding that you broke your grounding can keep the silly smile off your lips.

You miss Wanda all the time, but you text each other for many hours.

And then the exam week begins, and you drag yourself through the halls, feeling very anxious.

Wanda smiles at you in the hallways, and Nat gives you a suggestive look, but you are almost late for your history test, so you don't have time to tell her.

Your calendar is a mess, and when you finally leave for break, Wanda texts you to meet her in the ladies' room.

Then you find yourself locked in a cabin, kissing Wanda Maximoff as if your life depended on it.

Things were heating up fast, you noticed. Your tongues bickered together as your hand was on Wanda's left breast, and she thrust her hips against you. And then the bell rang, and you grunted at having to let her go. Wanda laughed as she wiped her own lipstick from your face, and you helped wipe hers. She looked at you with a mixture of adoration and desire, and you resisted the urge to kiss her again.

It was hard to concentrate on anything for the rest of the day.

When the last period was finally over, you couldn't meet Wanda, because she had cheerleading practice and you had softball. You wished you could steal her away for yourself, but you couldn't.

This completely disconnected and rushed routine continued until the week was over. The universe seemed to be conspiring so that you didn't have enough time together, and the stolen kisses between classes and during breaks was leaving you frustrated and heated all day.

When you finished your last test of the evening, you went to the outside yard. Your cell phone vibrated when your mother texted you that she would accept the weekend shift, and you sighed knowing that you would have to cook. You thought about waiting for Wanda to come out of cheer practice, and almost choked when she sent you a picture wearing only her uniform skirt.

And then she asked you to meet her outside in the bleachers after the practice was over. You waited for her, a shy smile on your lips as you leaned against the same wall where you first had sex.

You waved ironically to the cheerleading squad girls who saw you standing outside as they left, but they said nothing. Wanda was the last to leave, and she jumped on you excitedly, kissing you on the mouth as you wrapped your arms around her waist.

- Hi. - You said between kisses.

- Hi. - She replied, smiling.

And then the kiss intensified, Wanda let her hands rest on your shoulders, and you squeezed her waist as your tongues met. She sighed, squeezing your jacket as you parted.

- Take me home. - She whispered breathlessly, and you nodded in agreement.

Wanda continues kissing your neck as you stumble through the front door. You struggle against the lock, your hands trembling as you feel Wanda's hand enter your blouse.

But you finally enter your home, and throwing your backpacks into the living room, you push Wanda against the door as you close it.

You let your hands go down to her ass, and squeeze as you lift her off the floor, and Wanda curls her legs against your waist, both of you moaning into each other's mouths.

Your tongues fight together intensely, and when Wanda separates your mouths for breath, you move your kisses down her neck.

She sighs and you bite her on a sensitive spot on her collarbone, eliciting a loud moan. She begins to run her hands up your waist, pulling up your blouse. You stop kissing her to remove it completely, throwing it to the floor of the room. You return your mouth to hers in the next second, feeling her thrust her hips against you. You change the rhythm of the kiss, letting your tongue slowly touch hers, while your hands reach inside her blouse. You let out a groan when you realize she is not wearing a bra, and squeeze her breasts immediately. Wanda lets out a hearty grunt against your mouth, and you grin mischievously.

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