I looked down the hall and saw the teen approaching. "Can I borrow-" she threw a black jacket in my face before I could finish. I spat the jacket out of my mouth and wrapped myself in it, throwing the hood over my head. I made my way outside and opened the side of the van, climbing in the back.

Blitzo was screaming along to a song on the speakers when Loona sat down. "Let's get this hearse moving!" Blitzo shouted, taking off. I gripped the seat like yesterday but was more prepared for the crazy stops and jolts.

Unlike yesterday Loona opened the door for me. I shot her a thankful smile but she was still staring at her phone screen. She mutely turned and walked to the office. I threw the hood over me and followed after her. Blitzo was chattering away behind us. "Moxxie is such a vanilla and boring type if you know what I mean when it comes to-"

The door opening and Moxxie's angry face were enough to stop Blitzo from continuing his distasteful rant. I bit back an amused smile as Moxxie chewed Blitzo out about his sex life. "And furthermore sir, you have no right to spy on Millie and me."

"You could stand to spice things up Moxx, I mean Millie will eventually get tired of simple missionary sex," Blitzo smirked. Loona rolled her eyes and went to her desk. I sat down on a chair and pulled out my book, pretending to read it.

Moxxie was fuming when Millie walked in. "What's wrong honey?" she questioned, genuine concern in her voice.

"It's nothing Mills," Blitzo answered before Moxxie could speak. "Let's do some target practice. Moxx, go get the t.v." Moxxie obeyed and when Millie turned her head he flipped Blitzo off. I bit my lip and looked around the office. I closed the Jane Austen book and held the book Blitzo gave me.

It was titled, Madness on Monday. I looked at the back but there was no summary. I opened the book and saw a table of contents, the chapters didn't have names so that meant there was no clue as to what the story was about. Someone writing a book in Hell wasn't something that had ever occurred to me though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. There had to be people from all walks of life down here. Porn, drugs, and alcohol only really lasted so long for anyone as a form of entertainment. Where would we be without stories? I opened to the first chapter and absorbed the first few words.

"Injections, small pinches of pain yet the most terrifying thing ever. I couldn't stop from closing my eyes shut as the nurse injected me. 'All done,' she smiled. I nodded and allowed her to cover it with a red band-aid."

A gunshot made me jump and look up from the page. Blitzo had shot the t.v. screen across the room. I got control of my heartbeat and wearily kept my eyes on him as Moxxie brought out another t.v. He flipped through different channels before an ad about Cherubs came up. My eyes widened seeing the heavenly beings on the screen. It seemed that these creatures also interfered with Earth. I sighed as Blitzo screamed and shot the screen. Another t.v. was brought out and when an ad for some job inventing things came up Blitzo shot it.

Before another t.v. could replace that one, the room began to shake. I instinctively ducked and covered my neck like we're trained to do on Earth for Earthquakes. "Guys, do you feel that?" Loona asked rising from her slumber.

"Oh, shit is that a Hellshake?" Blitzo asked.

"That's possible?" Moxxie muttered in disbelief.

"Alright, don't panic Moxxie," Millie began, pulling on her husband.

"I'm not panicking because Hellquakes don't happen," Moxxie stated calmly.

"Stop getting hysterical fatty," Loona slapped him. Moxxie flew across the room moments before the wall was destroyed and a sinner appeared.

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