"Well, it's not like that. I mean, you were gone."

"I was in the bathroom and I also talked to my mom," Eve explains. Before she can mention the fact that there was breakfast, Paul was leaning forward so his arms could capture her body and drag her until she's laying on his chest. For a moment because she wasn't expecting Paul to do this nor was she complaining, Eve is stunned; in the next, she basking in his warmth and his touch while simultaneously her lips are twitching towards the ceiling and her heart is buzzing with felicity. "You know, with you being all warm and stuff, I'm going to fall asleep again."

"It won't be bad," Paul tries to reason. His fingers run through her tangled but silky hair, gently patting down her skull and admiring how it almost twinkles with the sun's glow. "Besides, both of us like keeping close."

Eve studies them both; taking into consideration how close they were and how comfortable they were with one another. They were snuggling and her smile grew in size.

"And you're just so small and you fit perfectly with me," Paul continues and absentmindedly begins to twist her locks like they were a whip. "Kinda like two puzzle pieces."

She nods her head in agreement. "True, true. Jan made some breakfast if you want any. What do you even want to do today unless you have something planned or..."

"Breakfast sounds nice," he remarks. "Then, since it looks pretty nice outside...maybe we can go back to the beach. This time without any interruptions if you're cool with that."

Pondering over this idea, Eve finds herself relishing the idea of returning to La Push and spending some time with Paul. Therefore, she pushes herself off the said boy and hops off the bed where she's quick to steal her bathing suit from her dresser and in addition, snatching some regular clothes suitable for the weather.

"Okay," Eve announces, turning around to face Paul who appears amused by her quickness to gather her necessities. "I've got my stuff. Ready for breakfast and then the beach?"


The can of sunscreen was acting like a pain in the ass for Eve. Repeatedly she smacked the bottle against her palm in hopes that it would function correctly, but with every hit that ignites redness to spread across her pale skin, the can refuses to allow more of its protected liquid to escape.

She grumbles underneath her breath, "This stupid thing."

Already yanking off his t-shirt, Paul raises an eyebrow at his infuriated Imprint. Even if it was hilarious to see her all worked up over a small thing, he knew her patience could only last so long.

"Hey," he calls out, and Eve peers up to him, "let me try."

"If you do that, can I lay out the stuff?" Eve asks, her fingers adjusting so she could jab her finger in the direction of her canvas tote bag that stores their supplies for the beach. With Paul's head bouncing, Eve wanders over to their little area in order to set up their towels and lunch.

The two did take some time to leave the house as they got distracted by the television. It was then that Eve learned that Paul also enjoyed watching Law and Order which made her inwardly squeal. That was two hours extra spent in the house before they eventually made their way to La Push.

Due to the weather being so beautiful this June day, numerous residents of the rez were already here. In the distance, children could be heard yelling and laughing in absolute glee while parents could be heard chatting up a storm while they worked away at their grills.

For them, however, they stuck to buying an assortment of snacks from a local gas station while Paul had prepared some turkey sandwiches for them to munch on.

Catch The Stars | Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now