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Ranbo had lived a...normal life. Well not THAT normal, but it wasnt crazy weird like the people on the news and in documentaries and shit. He was a pretty normal kid, except from the fact that he was allergic to water, which was more of an inconvenience than a quirk.

It had all changed when he turned sixteen. His birthday had started off like any other, wake up not excited for the presents he wasnt going to get, walk downstairs and see the empty cupboards, not eat like he always did, it was just any normal day really.

His mother only gave him a solemn look and a 'sorry' which he just replied with 'dont be, it's not your fault you cant get a job, it's those stupid abelist pricks' which earned a laugh from her, something he haddnt heard in a while.

He walked upstairs and to his bathroom, where he looked in the mirror, only to see horns growing from the top of his head.


He reached up and touched them, then yanked at them, and they wouldnt come off, they were actually there, he wasnt being pranked.

He wasnt sure wether to be scared, exited, or any emotion really, for the most part he was just confused. He was human as far as he knew, and he hadn't touched any weird chemicals ever, he haddnt even gone to school. To be fair he haddnt ever known his dad, so he couldve been the same creature, but surely he wouldve seen something about it one the news-

Then a horrible realisation hit him.

Maybe he haddnt seen it on the news because it was a government secret or something, maybe there was a science facility hiding his father away, maybe that same science facility would take him.

No. Dont panic. It's just horns. You can play it off as a fursona or some shit. Yes he would get bullied but it would be better than being experimented on.

The next morning though, he woke up with a tail, more obvious this time but he still looked human for the most part. The next morning, he woke up and his fingers had turned into claws, okay that's impossible to ignore. Next morning came elf ears, which was quite humiliating for him, that one was hard to explain to his mother.

The next morning was the worst though.

When he looked in the mirror he almost screamed, his skin was half white half black, no hint of human skincolour anywhere, his hair was the same correlating colour. His eyes had changed too, one of them green, the other red. Now he looked like a complete monster. There was no way he was human.

He rushed into his room and opened up his old broken laptop, frantically searching up on Google about what he was going through. There was nothing.  He was really starting to panic now. He wasnt fucking human. That still haddnt fully set in yet.

Suddenly he heard a loud banging come from his front door and his mother shuffling to answer it. He walked out of his room and to the top of the stairs, hiding out of sight while listening in to the conversation.

"Who are you? What do you want?" His mothers confused voice rang out throughout the small house.
"We have come for your son"
"What do you want with him?"
"We unfortunately are legally obligated to not say anything maam"
They ignored her question and barged past her, splitting up and searching the house.

Ranboo heard one of them walking up the stairs, he immedietly ran into the bathroom and locked the door, he wanted his last moments of normal life to last as long as possible.

"Hey! Open this door! There will be consequences if you dont!"
He held his breath. He diddnt care about the consequences. He just wanted to be with his mum, he just wanted her to hold him close and tell him that it's okay. But he knows it's not.

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