the walmart proposal

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Somic and monoshawty were at the Walmart and they were looking for shit on a stick.

They went 2 a isle it looked like the back of spencers.
" these Things are some very sussy things sonic" mono shawty said as he threw it back next to a pp on a stick. 😳
" deez nutz" sonic said.
" Woah "
Monokuma did renegade.
Sonic looked nervous, " Monobabe? ".
Monocum looked at sonic and tilted his head " What is it u seggsy beast?". Sonic had a bone R, " I ummmmmn......... I- "
" u gud?" Monocuma asked.
" I-i-i....*shits self*" sonic said as he shit himself in Walmart.
" OMG SONIC U SHIT URSELF U STINKY" Monocummy said as he threw it back
he got on his knee caps " WILL U MARRY ME?" monokuma blushed got hard and threw it back " OMG YES" he threw it back ten times🤭.
" Omg ur seggsy " sonic said
He slid the ring onto Monokuma's excuse for a hand, People clapped and cheered. And Sanic picked up monocumm and went to the bathroom of the walmart and they clapped.
When they got home Monokuma threw it back.

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