Soldiers Follow Orders

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Okay, uh....


you guys ready for this? cause i'm not

As we entered the vast chamber, the lights came on. Hazy, yellow mist descended within the capsules surrounding the room. I stared in awe and horror at the room.

"If it's any comfort," we heard, "they died in their sleep." I looked at the cryo chambers. All of the enhanced soldiers had been shot in the head. I looked at the small window in the wall, where a man's face was visible. "Did you really think I wanted more of you? I already have three." I frowned.

"Three?" I asked, stepping forward. He smiled, making chills go down my spine.

"Tell me, Miss Stark," he said, "how does a ten-year-old girl that's been abused and starved survive being struck by lightning?" I furrowed my brow. "The answer? She was born with the super-soldier serum in her blood." I shook my head.

"No," I told him. "That's not possible. My parents owned a shop in Broek op Langedijk. They died when I was a baby." He chuckled.

"It is true that your mother died when you were a child. But your parents were far from shop owners. And your father is very much alive." He looked at Bucky. "Mr. Barnes, do you happen to know a woman by the name of Mila Garrison?" I froze, and the soldier nodded.

"Yeah," he said. "What about her?" The man in the window just smiled as I stared at him, too afraid to look at Bucky.

"She was my mother," I said quietly. I could feel everyone looking at me, but I set my glare on the vile man in front of us.

"What the hell?"

"I'm grateful to the other soldiers, though. They brought you all here." Steve hurled his shield at the window, but it flew back. "Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets." Tony nodded, visibly angry.

"I'm betting I could beat that," he said.

"Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came."

"Which was what? To find out that my daughter's dad is alive and a war criminal? Or is it somehow worse?" I gritted my teeth, and Steve shook his head.

"You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?" he asked. The man watched him as he stepped closer.

"I thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you're standing here, I just realized...there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw." I frowned as I recognized his accent.

"You're Sokovian," I said. "Is that what this is about?" He chuckled.

"Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I'm here because I made a promise."

"You lost someone?" Steve asked. The man looked grave, and he clicked his tongue.

"I lost everyone. And so will you." He pressed a button, and a screen to our right lit up. "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumples from within? That's dead...forever." We watched the freeze frame of a secluded road and the date, December 16 1991.

"I know that road," Tony said. He looked at the man in the window. "What is this?" The video played. A car crashed off the road, and a motorbike quickly rode up carrying a familiar figure. It was Bucky. As the Winter Soldier. We watched intently as Bucky- no, the Soldier -walked up to the driver of the car, lying on the ground beside the car. My eyes widened as I recognized the man from the pictures I had seen of him. It was my adoptive grandfather, Howard Stark.

"Help my wife," Howard begged. "Please. Help." The Soldier walked over and hoisted him up by his hair. He stared at Howard's bloody face, and Howard stared back pleadingly. "Sergeant Barnes?" Tony glared at Bucky, but my eyes were glued to the video as the Soldier pounded Howard hard in the face with his metal fist.

"Howard!" we could hear Maria cry. Howard slumped over, and the Soldier put him in the driver's seat with his face against the steering wheel. I stared in horror. The Soldier walked around to the passenger seat and gripped Maria around the throat, expressionless as he strangled her. Once he was finished, he walked up and aimed a gun at the surveillance camera. I watched Tony anxiously, and he quickly lunged at Bucky, but Steve caught him and held him back as I stepped closer to Bucky.

"Tony," Steve said. "Tony." The billionaire, consumed with grief and tears glistening in his eyes, turned and looked at Steve.

"Did you know?" he asked.

"I didn't know it was him."

"Don't bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?" Steve sighed.

"Yes." Tony stepped back, his chin jutting upwards twitchy. He reengaged the Iron Man helmet, punching Steve to the floor and deflecting gunfire from Bucky, disarming him. He grabbed Bucky and flew across the chamber, shoving me out of the way. I groaned and looked up as Steve and Tony fell down a level as they fought. Steve looked up at Bucky and I.

"Get out of here!" he yelled. Bucky nodded and ran over to me, pulling me up as we ran towards the ramps leading up out of the chamber. Tony fired a missile towards us, but I pulled Bucky out of the way and hit a control panel, making the silo-styled door above us start to open. Bucky wrapped an arm around my waist and leapt from platform to platform. Tony landed behind us, taking aim, but Steve landed in between us, and the energy bolt rebounded off the shield. Tony dropped like a stone and landed on a lower platform. Steve looked back at us.

"He's not going to stop," he said. "Go." We nodded and climbed up the walls of the chasm, Bucky helping me when I had issues. Suddenly, Tony fired and hit the giant hinge on the door, which exploded, cutting off our escape route. We crashed down onto the platforms below us, and I cried out as I landed on my leg. Bucky grabbed a metal pipe, looking at me.

"Chris!" he yelled. "Go down!" I looked over the edge of the platform, then back at him, and nodded. I sprinted down the ramps, leaning on the wall at the bottom and gritting my teeth. I started to head for the exit, but as I stopped in front of it, the man from the window stepped in front of me. I gasped, and he grabbed my arm.

"Shh," he whispered. "Потерянный." I froze. "Отец. Семь." I clenched my fists, squeezing my eyes closed. "ребенок. Свобода. Девять." I gasped, my eyes shooting open. "велосипед. девятнадцать. Мечты." I froze again before slowly looking up at him. "Маленький?"

"Готов подчиниться."


Потерянный. Отец. Семь. ребенок. Свобода. Девять. велосипед. девятнадцать. Мечты. Маленький? - Lost. Father. Seven. Child. Freedom. Nine. Bicycle. Nineteen. Dreams. Little One?

Готов подчиниться. - Ready to comply.

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