Little Mouse (ARCase)

Start from the beginning

Sallie dropped her cigarette and crushed it beneath her shoe. Soon, she'd do the same to Ann too. Walk all over this pathetic maid who deserved what she got. She was the one lying down and taking her lot, in life. She should have clawed her way up and fought.

Sallie had started as nothing but a fatherless child in a one room shack. She'd left home at thirteen to join the circus and had never looked back. She'd learned how to read people, lie, and trick, all skills she could use, to read the fortunes of gullible fools.

It wasn't long before Sallie had her pick of gentleman callers, both circus folk and townies too. She tried them out when she was in the mood. But their proposals she'd all denied. Because Sallie had her sights set on a particular guy. And her plan had soon worked out beautifully. She'd caught the eye of he, an older man, with money in his pocket, who'd soon asked for her hand. And just in time too, because back then Sallie was already with child, not that her dear husband knew, it wasn't his flesh and blood. But that little detail didn't matter.

 But that little detail didn't matter

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"My name is Ann Patter, miss. But the head maid doesn't like me fraternizing with guests. I could get in trouble for this ."

Ann looked like a little frightened deer. And Sallie had to hide her disgusted sneer. Perhaps little mouse was a more fitting name, for this new spy of Sallie McClain.

"That's truly awful you poor dear! Beastly behavior, I do declare. If that dreadful woman has anything to say, you send her straight my way! I'm a guest of this hotel, and I demand its staff be treated well. This place couldn't run without people like you Ann! And eating your lunch alone out here every day, for this I won't stand! How about starting tomorrow you eat lunch with me in my room instead?"

Ann got up with a frightened look. Not willing just yet to get onto Sallie's hook. But Sallie wasn't worried about trapping this little mouse.

"Oh that's a kind offer from you miss, but I couldn't do it, I insist. I'd lose my job over it. I really must get back inside. I have three more rooms to turn down before check-in time. It was nice meeting you."

Sallie sighed and let her eyes mist. She knew just the way to handle this.

"Forgive me if I overstepped Miss Patter

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"Forgive me if I overstepped Miss Patter... It's just you'd be doing me a favor. I just moved to BG and am a bit lonely. I have no company, no friends here. My fiancé works all day. The babe will be here any day. But here I am feeling sorry for myself. I apologize."

Sallie dabbed at her eyes. Ann looked at her with pity in her gaze.

"Perhaps one lunch couldn't hurt? But for now, I need to be getting to work miss," said the maid.

And now the trap had been laid. This little mouse had walked into it nicely. A few kind words, was all that Sallie would need to get this little mouse to take the cheese and let the trap spring.

"Thank you, Ann! That's so very kind of you! I'll have everything all prepared tomorrow for our lunch in my room! It'll be nice to make a friend in BG. You can tell me all about this town and its charming folks indeed!"

"I'd be happy to miss. BG is not such a bad town. But it has its fair share of scandals going around."

"Oh Ann tomorrow you must tell me more about all this," then Sallie's smile faltered a bit, "my fiancé Mr. Craven and I separated for a while. But we're back together now, awaiting the birth of our child...I heard that he may have gotten friendly with some ladies in this town?"

Ann wore a frown, "Miss McClain, I do fear that's not my place to say. You'd have to speak to your fiancé.".

Sallie sighed, "Of course, I understand Ann

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Sallie sighed, "Of course, I understand Ann. How bold and silly of me. It's just I need to be sure before our child is born. Jake and I are soon to wed. I need to be sure there are no others besides me in his ..."

Sallie looked down at her feet. Ashamed and embarrassed as she placed a hand atop her swollen belly.

"You didn't hear this from me. There was one lady named Ruechari. She owns this hotel. But things between her and Mr. Craven are ended as far as I can tell. She has a new beau now and Mr. Craven does too. Her name is Mary Sue. Mary Sue Chastain."

Ann had a look of disdain. Sallie gave her a grateful smile. Her true feelings she did hide. The rage boiling inside. That whore Mary Sue and Jake were through. She'd make Jake regret, he and Mary Sue had ever met! She'd make Mary Sue pay for putting her hands where they didn't belong. And as for that tart Rue, Sallie would keep an eye on her too.

Sallie thanked her little mouse and promised to see her tomorrow indeed. She'd already made her squeak. This was only the beginning. It helped to have friends in BG.

And today now Sallie had yet another to add to her collection of little birdies. That salesman Bruce, whom she'd seduce with ease. As everyone knew, four eyes were better than two.

And so just after Bruce left with promises and one less case of soap on him, Sallie let Ann in.

Their luncheon with gossip and giggles too. They talked about the hotel, BG, and Rue. Juicy stories indeed. Then as Ann was getting ready to leave, she told Sallie regretfully, which room Jake was last seen going into last night. Sallie's smile was tight.

As soon as her little mouse had cleared the room, Sallie crushed a teacup in her grip. Then her mask began to slip. She smashed the rest of the set onto the floor. With a bloody palm, Sallie swore.

Busted Gulch vol. 15Where stories live. Discover now