Taste of his Own Medicine

Depuis le début

It had been a few days since Mumbo had seen Grian around the server. Curious, he sent him a message.

        "Hey man, you still alive? Haven't seen you in a while." He was surprised by the immediate response, but instead of being from Grian, it was a different message.

        "You do not have permission to message this person." Mumbo raced to Xisuma's base, calling out and messaging him on the communicator. Finally, they met up on top of one of the jungle trees.

        "Is Grian banned?" Mumbo started, and X chuckled slightly.

        "Oh, yeah. I caught him stealing my door, so I thought, why not prank him back? Don't worry, it's not permanent." X replied, and Mumbo still looked confused.

        "How long has he been banned?"

        "I think about... 3 days?" 

        "You mean you don't know?!" Mumbo asked, and X shrugged.

        "Alright alright, I'll unban him. Here, look." He showed Mumbo his communicator and pressed the unban button. Suddenly, both of them got a flood of messages from Grian. They all loaded in one at a time, and as Mumbo watched them come in, he got more and more scared. They started as long messages about how he was sorry and missed Hermitcraft, but as they went on, they got shorter and shorter.

        "I don't know how much more I can take this." "I was wrong." The final message sent a chill down Mumbo and Xisuma's spines. "Help me." 

        "Oh my god, what happened?! Where is he?!" Mumbo shouted, and Xisuma looks frazzled.

        "I-I don't know!"

        "Well is he back in Hermitcraft?!" Xisuma seemed to think for a second before his face dropped.

        "No. Unbanning someone doesn't bring them back, it just lets them through the portal again. He's still wherever he is when he sent those messages." Xisuma explained, and Mumbo's eyes widened.

They were eating dinner when Grian's communicator went off. He had been struggling through dinner, barely able to move his arms after the multiple beatings, but so hungry that he ate through the pain. The room was silent as Sam watched Grian's every move. But the silence was abruptly broken as a familiar ding rang out. Grian recognized it as Mumbo's message alert, but before he could figure out how, Sam rocketed out of his chair, slamming his hands down on the table.

        "What was that?" He asked angrily, and Grian began to panic.

        "What? Uh, nothing. It was nothing." Grian tried, but it only made Sam look angrier.

        "Don't LIE TO ME!" Sam threw the table to the side, all of the food and dishware crashing to the ground. Sam lunged toward Grian and grabbed him by the throat, slamming him against the wall behind him and lifting him off the ground. His feet kicked against the wall as he dangled, small black dots surrounded his vision as Sam squeezed harder. "WHAT WAS IT?" He screamed into Grian's face, and as he felt his consciousness slipping, he used his remaining energy to take out his communicator. Sam grabbed it from Grian's hands and let go of his neck, causing him to drop to the ground. He desperately tried to catch his breath as his vision slowly started to return, and Sam began to laugh. "Hah! You ran away from me to be with these people, they kick you out, and you're still trying to talk to them?" He threw the communicator to the ground.

        "No!" Grian choked out as Sam slammed his foot down onto it, smashing it into a million pieces.

        "When are you going to learn that no one wants you!? No one loves you Gree-on! No one! Not me, not them, no one! I let you back into my house because I felt sorry for you, but now?! Now, I don't feel any sympathy for you!" His tone switched at the end into a more sinister growl. Grian couldn't stop the tears as Sam approached.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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