The Confession

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"Help! Somebody, help!"

Carnage remained crouched upside down in front of me. Saliva dripped from the symbiote's teeth and plummeted down to the ocean below.

"It's okay. Weren't you listening? You're safe now. I saved you!" Carnage argued.

"Why? Why did you save me?" My chest heaved as I tried to calm myself down and hoped that his webbing was strong enough to prevent me from falling.

"I want to be a hero! You really weren't listening, weren't you?" Said the creature.

"But—you're...! But why?!"

"It's a long story. But now I have all these gross emotions and feelings. I have done so much wrong and it hurts so bad. Guilt! Nearly more than I can stand!" Carnage exclaimed.

The symbiote's face peeled away to show a redheaded man underneath. Cletus Kasady. I stared at him in awe. He was actually quite handsome. Carnage's hands clamped onto the sides of his head as he gritted his teeth.

"It's okay! Everything's alright... okay, I have so many questions. Why me of all people?" I asked.

"Because you're a good person. You understand what it's like to feel." Carnage replied.

"You don't know who I am." I murmured.

The symbiote hid Cletus' face again. "I don't have to. I've seen how you treat people. You need to teach me." Said Cletus.

I thought about it for a few moments. I really didn't have a choice. Besides, it would be good for the world if one more psycho was redeemed.

"Okay, I'll do it. I'll teach you how to be good. Just—please let me go." I breathed.

Carnage looked at me almost suspiciously.

"No, you'll run away." He replied.

"No, I promise. I promise I won't run away and I'll help you. Just promise me that you won't hurt me." I glanced into his white eyes but quickly looked away in fear.

"Why do I have to promise?" Carnage whinged.

"Because if you promise, you have to keep it. And that's what good people do." I explained.

"But promises are so easily broken. They're just stupid words." Carnage argued.

"Yes, but good people keep their promises. Heroes keep their promises. See? You're learning already." I smiled the tiniest bit but didn't let my guard down.

Carnage put one clawed hand on his chest and the other up.

"Okay, I promise."

"First of all, heroes don't kidnap people."

"I didn't know that. See? I need help. I don't understand how to do this superhero thing. All my good ideas are for bad stuff."

The sun was creeping back up and turned the sky into an ombré of blurred pastel hues. Carnage had freed me from under the bridge and snaked an arm around my waist.

"Thank you for saving my life. I truely am grateful." I said to him softly.

"No thanks needed. Try not to fall in love with me, sweetheart."

I actually laughed at this and was quick to wrap my arm around his neck as we swung into the city by his webbing like Spider-Man.

"Holy shit! Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god."

I screamed bloody murder then hid my face in Carnage's neck as we swung high above the lively streets of New York. I looked up at the symbiote's face and watched him remain focused on swinging from building to building.

AXIS Carnage: Carnage x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu