First love

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Amare sat down and colored in her new coloring book her daddy bought her.

She watched as her cousins played in the backyard and chewed on her bottom lip

"Hey baby girl what's wrong" Grandma Minnie asked her

Amare shook her head and went back to coloring

"You want some cookies?"

Amare mumbled a yes and smiled. "Grandma Minnie where's my mom?"

"Um I- did you ask your daddy"

"Yeah but he told me my mommy was gone I don't kn- never mind"

Amare was two when her mother London got arrested for murder. Her dad and her mother's family took care of her but Amare who was now ten constantly wondered why her mother wasn't around. The man everyone thought was her daddy turned out not to be.

Amare's cousin Mahogany ran inside with AJ following behind her, they were her older cousins Mahogany and AJ they both were eleven.

"Mare come play with us" Mahogany wined

Amare shook her head no and went back to coloring

The doorbell rang but the kids paid it no mind, grandma was there

"Let me see" Mahogany said looking at the coloring book .

"Oh Mare that's really good"

Amare turned her head and smiled at her cousin Amari

"HI MARIO" Amare smiled

"That's the most loud she's ever gotten" Mahogany mumbled

AJ shook up with Mari like their uncles do "wassup young"

"Wassup" Mario said while still holding on to Amare

"Mario can I go with you to the park when you go?" 

Mari nodded "yeah, you want to come too lil bit"

Amare shrugged

Mario was their oldest cousin he was fourteen, Amare and her other two cousins thought Mario was so cool.

"Grandma we about to go to the park" Mario announced carrying Amare on his back

"Alright y'all be safe"

"Always" Mario smirked

Once they got to the park they had to sit close to Mario and his friends

Mahogany was in the face of his friend named LoLo

Mario took off his shirt and gave it to mare "I'm about to go to the court sit y'all assess right here"

Mahogany rolled her eyes and Amare nodded

"What's the purpose of coming out if we just have to sit and stay like dogs" Mahogany sassed

Mario popped her in her mouth and ran over to the court

Mario's friend Saint and his little brother Sire walked up

"Hey Sire" Mahogany smiled pulling him away from the group

"MARIO SAID STAY HERE" Amare yelled after them

"Chill lil bit ain't nobody gone fuck with them" Saint smiled down at her

Amare nodded

"I barely hear you talk and when you do it's to mari or you're yelling at mahogany"

Amare nodded again she didn't know exactly ever he wanted her to say.

Saint sighed and rolled his eyes at the girl walking up

"Why are you here amber"

"Why didn't you slap my butt on slap butt day at school"

"You had every nigga in there doing that shit fuck I look like"

The group heard gunshots and ducked to the ground

"MAHOGANY" Amare screamed running to her cousin

Mahogany got shot in the arm and Amare looked down at Sire

Amare put pressure on his stomach and screamed out for help "shh sire it's okay you'll be okay"

"Mahogany.. is she?-

"She's fine sire she'll be okay we're just worried about you"

"Tell Saint I lo-

"He knows but you'll be able to tell him I swear you'll be okay"

"Amare.. you're really pretty you know" Sire mumbles

Amare laughs "thanks"

"Can you give me a kiss.. just in case I die I wouldn't want to die without having my first kiss"

Amare bent down and kissed sire's cheek

Sire chucked and slowly closed his eyes

"Sire I hear the ambulance you're going to be okay"

Sire let out a breath and Amare slapped his face "Sire!"

The paramedics came and took Sire, Amare followed behind them and Saint ran up "Amare who got hit?"

"It's sire" Amare mumbled

The ambulance wouldn't let anyone on since Sire was in critical condition

"FUCK MAN" Saint yelled. Sire was still in critical condition and in surgery

Their older cousin Casey came and took them all to the hospital

Amare sat silently she still had Sire's blood on her shirt


Mahogany's arm was grazed she got stitches and she was hysterical. Sire was like her bestfriend no like he was her Bestfriend.

"I'm sorry Mario" Mahogany sobbed

Amare wrapped her arm around mahogany and pulled her close to her chest "he'll be okay mahny"

Mahogany nodded and let Amare wipe her tears

(I changed Amara name to Amare bc I like Amare better )

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