Music 1 - TLT3 BGM - Remaining Warmth

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"Do not worry my love, I'll be back in a few hours. Heal your wounds meanwhile and wait for me!"

"But, my dear lord, please let me accompany you, this is our war and lets fight side by side"

We are Immortals Xiao Wei, don't worry, I'll be back before you know" he left to the battle field after placing a gentle kiss on his Xiao Wei's forehead


When he heard the news about his Lord Kunlun has fallen in the war, Shen Wei's heart shattered into million pieces. His hope for Kunlun's return still flickering like a dim light, lingering somewhere in his broken heart.

He rushed to the battlefield with unhealed wounds. From a distance, there he saw Lord Kunlun with his mighty sword, sitting on one knee, with his eyes closed.

The look on his face as if he is going to lose something precious or someone he considered his life.

Shen Wei ran towards him with his wounded leg and hugged HIS Kunlun, the one he's living for. He tried to revive him by sending his power but to no avail.

He tried and tried and tried....

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh....." he shouted at the top of his lungs for a long time and the whole battlefield echoed with his heart-wrenching cries


Time stopped for it cannot bear listening to the shattering hope

Time stopped for it cannot stop the flowing tears

Time stopped for it cannot go back for anyone

Time stopped for it cannot bring back the dead


"My Son!"

He opened his eyes still holding his Kunlun tenderly in his embrace and looked at the sky where he heard the voice

It is great Goddess Nuwa that spoke with Wei

"My Son, Be brave, Death is inevitable for everything that is born with no exceptions including Gods. It is your predestined fate, yet I'll give you a chance by heaven's instructions. Will you heed my words?"

"What have I done to deserve this ill fate of being separated from my love? What is the wish of heaven, oh Goddess Nuwa, please tell me what I should do to get my love back to me?"

"Lord Kunlun has already entered the reincarnation cycle and drank the water from oblivion. He already forgot you and it is time for you to decide your fate. Will you give in or fight against it?"

"I will do everything to be with my Kunlun, Please enlighten this poor soul..."

"As Kunlun has already entered into the reincarnation cycle, you have the same choice. Enter the cycle, drink water from the river of oblivion and forget everything. You'll be reborn countless times but none of you remember the other and can forget this pain of separation. Or ..."


"As an Immortal, you can live longer than humans. Live and wait for Kunlun until he meets you on his own. You won't forget and he won't remember this precious love between you. Will you fight against the fate and wait for him?"


And thus, the wait for 10,000 years began for the man who waited for his love to return

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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