Chapter 12: Breaking Stuff to Look Cool

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     A cold light illuminated a gray room with medical supplies spread sporadically about. The sting of sterile equipment burned my nostrils. Discombobulation. Every muscle in my body was stiff. A needle was taped on my right forearm that connected to a monitor. Where was I? But most importantly, where was the intel? I turned my head slightly, coming face to face with a droid; a blueish-purple R3 series astromech with two flexible arms. I tried to prop myself up. Immediate pain shot through my chest and left arm. I clenched my teeth. Two arms cradled me and gently laid me back down onto the cot.

     "I got you." A comforting familiar voice called out.

     After a moment to blink away the black spots that consumed my sight, A clone's face came into vision. It took me longer to recognize Gunner, who was out of his armor.

     "Gunner?" Relief washed over me. He was alive. "The holodisk?" He gestured to the device lying on the table across from us. I sighed. Thank goodness. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

     "I thought I lost you." His voice slightly trembled, concern pouring from his face. He completely ignored my questions.

     "We still have a mission to complete, Cap. I can die afterward." I winced from my attempt to laugh.

     "You may want to ease off the joking. You got two broken ribs and three bruised ones." That explained the immaculate pain that followed with each breath. "Not to mention the three shots you took for me."

     The droid rolled to the bedside. "This is R3-N3. She's been helping me keep you alive." The droid beeped proudly. I observed the small passenger cabin. My memory was still foggy, but I recalled being rescued by a Mandalorian. This must be his ship and his droid.

     I looked down at my wrapped left shoulder, and the bacta patches on my arm and hip then noticed my bandaged chest. I didn't have my tunic on. I had no top on, just these wraps and bandages. This wasn't my doing.

     "What the-" My face flushed red, putting two and two together. Eyes wide, I snapped my attention towards Gunner. "You-"

     "I didn't see anything!" He threw his arms up in defense. "The droid helped you. I just tended to your arm."

     "Oh," While relieved, my face burned brighter from the misunderstanding.

     "Which reminds me, I need to change the bandages on your arm and your side." He reached for the med pack, scrambled through the supplies until he found a clean bandage wrap and two bacta patches, then helped me sit up. I watched attentively as he tenderly dressed my wounded arm. With his ferocity in battle, it surprised me to see how delicate his calloused touch was. I couldn't pull my gaze away from his alluring dark eyes that met mine with a smile. My stomach knotted. I quickly shifted my eyes to the ceiling of the ship. My heart pounded. What was wrong with me? This exciting, heart-racing nervousness was foreign; euphoria invaded every inch. Force knows this is what attraction felt like. Infatuation. All these emotions pouring out of me, triggered by the man whose spirit flowed like rushing water.

     "I'll go get you some food and water." Gunner left. The Mandalorian entered. His vibrant red armor was overwhelming, aggressively attacking my throbbing head. He was tanned, with reddish-brown hair, stubble, and icy blue eyes.

     "So who do I have to thank for saving us back there?" I studied the mysterious stranger, who ambled over to the monitor, checking my vitals. If he was a bounty hunter or assassin, we'd be dead by now.

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