On the bright side, the centre was closer to her home than their Headquarters.

Gisela sighed, shaking her head. Then turned her attention back to her computer screen.

Her phone rang.

She picked it up. The caller ID read 'Son'.

"Yes?" She held back a groan, answering the call. "Yes, Keefe, what it is? I'm working."

"Yeah Mom, I figured," he replied with no little sarcasm. "Look, where are you? You left this... USB at home on your desk, and I feel like you'll probably need it."

She bit back a curse, knowing it was inappropriate to swear when her son could hear her.

The USB contained important documents she'd need for a virtual meeting with her superiors, and if she didn't have those documents, she'd very well get her head scolded off.

"Could you send it over? I'll need it later, yeah, thanks."

"And where, exactly, are you?"

"Posted at the detention centre for a few weeks investigating a case, it's just a few streets away from home."

"'Kay. So that's an excuse for me to go out, then?"

She sighed. "Fine. But get sidetracked after you deliver it, okay?"



Sophie was having the most fun she'd had in a long time.

As she sat in the cold, isolated cell of the detention centre, waiting for a couple hours to pass before Liam could bail her out.

Apparently, she was considered a 'dangerous criminal' because she had 'murdered' someone, so she got a free cell to herself.

And they left the cuffs on, even though she had no intention of breaking out.

So, she spent the entire time watching whatever cops were at the centre rushing here and there, with a few occasionally giving her nervous glances.

It was hilarious, really.

Whenever they did that, she just returned the looks with a nonchalant smile and an innocent wave which sent them quickly looking away.

Typical. And amusing to know that even police officers got jumpy around her.

Not that she'd ever try anything.

She couldn't be bothered, as long as they kept to their businesses, and she kept to hers.

And even if she wanted to bother, Liam would probably kill her.

Sophie groaned, suddenly bored.

She managed to twist into a position with her knees to her chest and her chin resting on them.

It was the most comfortable position one could get in whilst their hands were stuck together, she supposed.

She yawned. Seriously, was the detention centre always this boring?

But then, that was when she saw a familiar blonde figure saunter into the room.

More importantly, a blonde figure that she'd specifically told not to be seen by her again, or she'd very well kill him.

Now that she'd seen him again, the first thing she noticed was his uncanny family resemblance between him and the officer that had escorted her there.

No wonder she looked familiar.

Clearly the guy's mother, especially as he walked towards her desk and triumphantly dumped something onto the table.

Can't Say I Don't Love You (A Sokeefe AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang