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Akari's POV

"Bye!" Hyein smiled

I nodded "Take care"

I got out of the car and watched it drove away. I entered and greeted the person in charge at the main floor to check who are those coming in and out of the dorm. I went upstairs and opened the door.

"Hi Kkami!"

Kkami barked and ran towards me as soon as he saw me entered the door. Hyunjin left earlier than me where did he go this time? Catching some shrimps?

"Where is your owner?"

I put the chicken I bought on the table and opened the lights since it is so dark here. I am planning to drink tonight since it's been so long since I last drank. I used to drink beer with my parents or brother, other than them there is no one- Oh.  My friend. I always drink with him and he would end up carrying me to my home.

The teacher told us to present tomorrow or Wednesday since she has things to do today. I am hoping we can present tomorrow so we can just rest and not mind her subject since we already presented.

I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes.

"I'll be back" I kissed Kkami and put her down as I took my purse and phone with me

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"I'll be back" I kissed Kkami and put her down as I took my purse and phone with me

I left the dorm and searched for rhe nearest convenience store. I want to buy some soju but the stores were close and the only store I am sure of, is the convenience store. I just don't know where but I think there is some, around here. Just need to look for it.

Minho kept going with us today, he even sat with us during lunch and he also treated us. I wonder if he is trying to be friends with me because if yes, I will kick him out of the friendship. I don't want to be friends with him. I want to date him. When I first saw him, it felt like I have seen my future and love of my life. I just want to end up with him.

I entered the convenience store and took some soju. I also took some ice cream and went to the cashier. The cashier stared at me like he was trying to analyze me.

"What grade are you in?" he asked

"Nursing student, College."

He raised his eyebrow "Really?"

"You want me to inject you?"

He ignored me and just took my card. I just put the pin and signed it. He gave it back to me after taking the exact amount. I took the foods I bought with me and left the convemience store. Am I that cute to think that I am still a baby? What the fuck?

Anyways earlier, Yzei apologized to me but I think she just apologized when Hyunjin confronted her for what she did. I was about to confess earlier that Hyunjin and I were roommates but good thing Hyunjin came and took me out of that situation. Yzei was embarrassed the whole day and kept avoiding Hyein after what she did. I understand that she is jealous now that I am close to Hyunjin but it's not right to just tell everyone about it. I mean that's privacy. No matter how much you like a person you shouldn't cross the line.

My Annoying Roommate | Hwang HyunjinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt