chapter 13: the battle of the mirror sea part 2

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As both fleets are on the move to intercept the red Axis. Josh is chilling in a jet cockpit until Kaga walks up to the plane.

Kaga: you always liked chilling in the sun before a battle.

Josh: it keeps me focused on the mission. Anyway is there something that I can do for you, Kaga?

Kaga: we're near the intercept position.

Josh: nice.

He gets out of the cockpit and joins Kaga at her bridge. Once on the bridge, Josh contacts Emerald and tells her that they near the interception position.

On board Yorktown's carrier form.

Emerald had just finished talking with Josh on the phone.

Yorktown: Emerald?

Emerald: Inform the Royal navy that we're near the position of intercept.

Yorktown: understood.

Then the scenery changed

Emerald: uh where are we?

Then Kaga's ship arrives beside Yorktown's carrier

Kaga: the mirrored sea. (Ponders) Akagi what have you done?

Then the Sakura Empire arrived as the two fleets are nose to nose. Akagi saw that her own sister was on Azur Lane's side and she was furious.

Akagi: Kaga... you traitor...

Then she orders the attack on Azur Lane at the same time as QM2 readies her turrets.

Josh: (through megaphone) last chance Sakura Empire, stand down and surrender.

Akagi: sorry but no, dear Josh~

Emerald: Hey! You can't just flirt with him especially on a battle field! It's totally wrong.

Akagi: shut it.

Josh: I've had enough. (To QM2 and the rest) all ships FIRE!

QM2 fires all of her 21 turrets at the Sakura Empire battleships as the battle had gotten under way, Akagi was ambushed by some jets. She saw that her sister was the one sending them at her. Then Akagi summoned a dragon fire.

On Tripitz's ship. Josh was looking through the spyglass with worry.

Josh: If Akagi unleashes that fire formation. I'll need to protect Kaga...

Then Akagi unleashed the fire formation at her sister, Enterprise goes to defeat Akagi. But unknown amongst them. A Siren was watching the battle between the two factions with amusement.

Then suddenly a pillar of light shot into the sky of the mirrored sea.

Emerald: what is this?

QM2: (shields her eyes) what's going on? (Thinks) Enterprise....

The source was Enterprise. And everything gotten wet when everyone found themselves in the middle of a storm. As Tripitz's ship arrived next where Kaga was defeated. Josh runs off the side of the ship and dives down into the sea

Tripitz: Josh!

She was getting worried about either or not that Josh is going to be ok. Then she saw him surfaced with kaga.

After the battle.

Everyone was recovering as Emerald was talking with QE, Hood, QM2 and Wales. As Javelin was looking after Kaga.

Javelin: (sees that Kaga is awake) You're awake.

Kaga: (shoots up) Josh!? Argh.

She holds her arm in pain.

Javelin: don't worry, Josh is ok.

Kaga: what happened?

Javelin was trying to explain to her as Kaga stared intensely at her.

Kaga: so what you're telling me is that he's going to be out for a while, right?

Javelin: yea. But don't worry, he's going to be fine.

She shows her where Josh is. And he had his eyes closed making her worried then Emerald orders for a search for Enterprise. At the same time, QM2 and Wales saw a Siren nearby and swiftly dodged.

QM2: Damn, missed one...

While distracting the sisters, Queen Mary had aimed one of her cannons at Zuikaku and fires but missed. Once that they found her, Enterprise's eyes were glowing yellow and had a lot of planes flying above her making everyone scared. A plane flew straight to Ayanami and she used her sword to cut it in half then it exploded next to her.

Then Laffey and Javelin went to save her from falling through a crack between the mirrored sea and the normal sea. And then Emerald ordered the Azur Lane fleet to return to base.

Apologies for the quick chapter.

The next chapter: aftermath

The Mandalorian of Azur Lane (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant