chapter 1: sisters reunite

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(Note: I don't own the intro. Please don't sue. Imagine: an extra scene is in the commander's office where the commander and his Secretary are working.)

Location: Azur Lane main base

Two girls are walking along the main pathway as the others were hard at work setting things up as they are chatting.

Girl 1: (cheerful) I can't believe that this is going to be the main base of operations! Both Royal Navy and the Eagle Union working side by side.

USS Cleveland
Naval ship: Light crusier.
Faction: Azur lane
Camp: Eagle Union

Girl 2: it certainly is going to be very busy especially when the commander arrives.

HMS Prince of Wales
Naval ship: Battleship.
Faction: Azur Lane
Camp: Royal Navy

Cleveland: guess who else is coming from our side. I'll give you a hint. She has the most medals out of the Eagle union.

Wales: you must mean the grey ghost. Enterprise right?

Cleveland: yes. But is the Royal dragon coming?

Wales: my sister? Probably, I don't know to be honest.

Cleveland: (interlocking her hands behind her head) I'm wondering how Mary got the nickname.

Wales: she has the most fire power in the entire royal navy. Seeing as she can be friendly with us mostly but make sure that you don't get her angry or such.

Cleveland: why?

Wales: because she can be very scary when angry.

Then Cleveland sees a ship in the distance.

Cleveland: Is that her?

Wales: where?

As Cleveland points to the ship that was approaching the port. As they were heading to meet up with an Aircraft carrier while Cleveland rushed ahead.

Wales: I believe it is.

Cleveland:(calls out to Wales) hurry up slowpoke!

Wales: please don't rush me.

The carrier had just docked and a woman in a white dress walked down the gangplank with a little girl holding a unicorn plush behind her.

Wales: Illustrious.

HMS Illustrious
Naval ship: Aircraft carrier
Faction: Azur lane
Camp: Royal Navy

HMS Unicorn
Naval ship: light aircraft carrier
Faction: Azur lane
Camp: Royal Navy

Illustrious: to what I owe the pleasure of your majesty?

Wales: no need for formalities, old friend.

Illustrious: who's your friend?

Cleveland: I'm Cleveland from the Eagle Union.

The young girl was hiding behind Illustrious.

Cleveland: (crutches to the girl's level) hi there.

Illustrious: you have to forgive her. She's very shy when she's meeting new people. Her name is Unicorn.

Cleveland returns to her normal height as a shadow of another battleship came into the dock.

Wales: she's here.

The four meet up with Wales's sister when she disembark from her ship before going to Josh's office.

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