5 Days

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As we walked away from the other group I felt like someone was watching me...

No one else seemed to feel it but I get a similar feeling from at breakfast. Just a bit weaker though... No one else reacted to it or didn't feel it...

"Fei you alright?" Phinks asked and it went away. It took me a moment to answer but I did "Y-Yeah brain fart that's all."

Phinks and Kalluto laughed "I don't think anyone says brain fart anymore!" Phinks laughed and I blushed red with embarrassment.

"S-Sorry it's just funny to hear you say that." Kalluto stopped laughing but still had a smile on his face.

I didn't respond till I felt Phinks ruffle my hair making me blush even more.

"You look like a tomato Fei." He laughed. I then realized Kortopi was missing!

"Guy's wheres Kortopi?!"

They stopped and looked around the hallway "Over there!" Kalluto pointed to Kortopi turning a corner.

We quickly ran after him and when we turned the corner we barely saw a door shut off to the side.

I quickly opened the door and Kortopi was sitting in a room surrounded by flowers. His eyes were blank and I noticed that same smell only it was much stronger.

Because it was so strong I ended up covering my nose. "God! That smells nice but to much is to bad!" I gagged.

"Your still smelling things? I really don't smell anything." Phinks tilted his head confused.

Kalluto walked over to Kortopi and sat next to him. His eyes were now blank too!

The smell kept getting stronger and stronger until everything went black.


I opened my eyes and saw the night sky. I was outside! I sat up to look for the others but I was horrified instead. Fire... Fire everywhere...

I noticed many many bodies nearby! I heard gunshots men yelling and men screaming. Explosions were everywhere! I was so confused and terrified that I got up and ran.

I realized I was holding something... A bloody blade... I looked all over me and I was loaded with many many weapons! I saw there was blood all over me.

There were gunshots getting louder and louder until I started to hear footsteps. I was petrified with fear and hard a man scream behind me then a hand on my shoulder.

"Feitan what are you doing?"

I turned my head and saw Pakunoda! She was covered in blood and smelt like gunpowder. "Snap out of it!" She yelled and slapped me across the face.


I yelped and my eyes opened. "Fei!" Phinks yelled and I realized he was trying to snap Kalluto out of his faze.

I looked around and saw Shalnark was there too! Only he was also in the same state and the others were trying to wake him up.

"What happened? You look like you just saw a ghost." Phinks asked

I let out a shaky breath "I-I was in a big fire... There were gunshots... Explosions a-and dead bodies all over the place... I-I was holding a blade c-covered in blood and I was i-in blood..."

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