(4) New Teacher

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A/N- (Hello lovelies, thank you all so much for 800 reads! I feel like this book is growing so fast. I hope y'all are loving it and I hope you enjoy!)

(7 Years Ago)

"Can I kiss you Sasuke?" He finally ask, no regrets in his mind as he awaits the beautiful ravens answer.

'Only once.' He silently repeats, knowing deep in his heart that it was the furthest thing from true.


Sasukes eyes widen before he subconsciously nods, his mind not completely processing the questions as he does.

There was no need to think because in Sasukes mind there was no other answer. His answer had been set the moment he came to understand his feelings towards Itachi and just how deep those feeling went.

All sense had left him long before this, and regrets had completely dissolved with it. All he could think of now was handsome Uchiha that lied before him.

Sasuke was still quite uneducated on what kissing represented and as a result he failed to know the importance of it.  He had seen his parents do it a couple of times but he didn't think it was because of love.

Someone like Fugaku was not capable of such a word..

But Sasuke knew he loved Itachi more than anything and that he wanted to show it in every way possible- including intimate, so that's exactly what he would do.

The only problem was that he didn't know how..

He knew since Itachi was about to be seventeen that he was probably more experienced on the matter and could help him.

Maybe he could ask..

He looks up with slight insecurity and bites his lip. "I- I don't know how.." He whispers, his eyes casting towards the ground before he can see Itachis reaction.

Light fingers grip his chin. "It's okay Sasuke, I'll teach you." He says calmly, smirking as he takes a step forward and Sasukes blush deepens.

He had always loved how nervous he could make the small Uchiha. How he would stutter anytime he was around Itachi, and blush anytime Itachi spoke or touched him. It was absolutely fucking adorable in Itachis opinion. His innocent little brother getting flustered or embarrassed when he was around.

It made Itachi want to show Sasuke so much more..

"Look at me." He says, lifting the small ravens chin to meet his gaze. Sasukes stomach flutters as there eyes make contact and Itachi brushes a hair out of his face.

'Itachis so pretty..' Sasuke thinks to himself, his mind- like many times before, taking in every small detail on the tall Uchihas face.

'So beautiful.' Itachis mind echoes, his thoughts unknowingly mirroring Sasukes in this exact moment.

'Love.' Both their minds repeat silently, the word floating in the air even though it had failed to be said. After all, it didn't need to be, in their minds they knew the truth.

This was love.

And that was all that truly mattered to Itachi as he leaned down and captured Sasukes lips in his. Barely a whisper at first- the plump muscles barely touching. And then fully connecting- the skin fitting like a puzzle piece.

Electricity bloomed between the two brothers instantly, feeling as if an unknown fire had blossomed in they're hearts.

'Love.' It says, that unknown voice. It says it with so much strength that it has to be real.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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