(3) First Kiss

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A/N- (Hello everyone, I have returned. Thank you so much for 300 reads! This book is growing so fast and I truly hope you are loving it so far. Enjoy!)

(7 Years Ago)

"Twenty eight.."

"Twenty nine.."

"Thirty!" Itachi yells, finally opening his dark eyes with determination.

Trees surround him as he looks around, his eyes attempting to spot anything that might give away his little brothers hiding spot.

"Sasuke, come out come out wherever you are.." He teases but is only met with silence. The smirk on his face grows as he starts walking, his gaze becoming more and more calculated with every step.

'This might be more of a challenge than I thought.' He silently notes, the thought sparking sudden irritation in him.

Although he had seen it only moments ago, he already missed the little Uchihas face. Itachi was fearful he was addicted to it..

Despite living with Sasuke he never quite got used to his beauty. How his face- young as it was, was more entrancing than most adults. How his smile could out shine even the Sun. And how his love could put even Itachis too shame.

He truly was gorgeous, his brother. Both inside and out.

A beautiful face decorated with rosy cheeks. Creamy skin framed by silky hair. And white teeth surrounded by plump lips.

'Plump.. kissable lips." Itachi silently says, immediately scolded himself at the thought.

'No.' He says, repeating the words he's said more times than the can count. The words that held him back from his shameful wants.
The words holding him back from what he secretly craved.

Who he secretly craved..

He shook those words off though, because despite his scolding on the matter Itachi wanted catch his Outoto immediately.

He shouldn't though..

After all, that would be no fun. So instead he should play it like the game it was.

The chase was always the funnest part, that was what made the game so rewarding for him. Itachi had always loved games, and he always wanted to win..

And you'd be a fool to believe that he didn't get what he wanted.


"Sasuke, come out come out wherever you are.."

Sasuke silently giggles as he hears his brothers voice, the sounded sending uncontrollable shivers down his spine.

He peaks from behind his tree to see black, calculated eyes analyzing the area. His cheeks flush as he sees said person bite his lip in thought, the action stirring an emotion he's only just started to understand.


He shyly detaches his eyes from the image, embarrassment flooding his head at the dirty thoughts.

He knew the idea was wrong, that it wasn't accepted or normalized among most. But he just couldn't help it- these feelings, they were inevitable.

He couldn't imagine seeing Itachi in any other way..

The ravens mind was still to innocent to know what exact way he craved for Itachi, but he was smart enough to know it wasn't a brotherly way. He knew that these feelings were much more.

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