「0」painful truths

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘 𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐗, there are those who believe beauty is within the heart, those who believe it is on the outside, or maybe in ones actions, either way these are manifestation of what people consider beauty, right or wrong, these are beliefs of the people.

they believe she is beautiful, not beautiful, no that would be an understatement, divine, godly, enough that they'd give up their lives to her very existence.

the curves of her body, shape of her jawline, color of her hair, a shining golden like color that radiates throughout a room, her hazel eyes, and perfectly shaped lips, completely enthralling. she only makes her presence more addictive by almost never wearing a full set of clothing, she perfectly shows the beauty in what her body is, a divine creature that rules above all and has the looks and talent to truly do it.

her heart however...

she put a hand viciously to her face, cover everything but her eyes, a nasty scar that ringed around her neck that not even she could hide, a minor imperfection she can't seem to get rid off, no matter how much blood, woman, children, men, it hasn't healed. No matter how many she's killed, she is not whole with her body.

that reality brought so much frustration it drives her mad, she's calmed down compared to how she was before, much more mature, but it eats at her mind, a constant reminder of something she'll never be able to change, change the way things are now.

the unfair way things ended between her the only person that deserved her attention.

her eyebrows scrunched the longer she stared in the mirror, looking herself in the eyes, such a perfect body, one that shows perfection and beauty, but it's not hers, this isn't her, the hand on her face wasn't her own.

it was hers.

rightfully hers, but... it's not, no, that woman, she lost her body, this body is hers now, but for some damn reason she will not give up.

the mirror cracked as her anger started to rise, that damn woman, she never gives up, always fighting for pointless reasons, what did she gain in trying to resist? making this nasty scar showing the connection of both their bodies, they're connected now, she doesn't even have a damn head yet this woman was able to thwart every plan, every fucking plan.

she didn't deserve this much power, they're are finally one and she still doesn't accept, the persistence of this woman is outstanding, even in death she's here. and she thought her annoying adoptive brother was persistence and a fool , but no, she takes the damn cake.

but if she was being honest, she wouldn't have it any other way.

"my lord, you're bleeding," pucci said plainly, coming up behind her and pointing to his own neck, showing her that blood was spilling down from the scar on her neck, she blinked and a searing pain started burning at her skin.

she sighed and put a hand to her neck, scooping some of the blood and holding to her face, "she's angry with me," she whispered, licking the blood off of her fingers like it was a sweet treat, rolling her head around as she slowly gained back control of the borrowed body, the blood drying against her skin and the wounds healing.

"i am confused, who is she?" pucci asked curiously, taking note of her words and wanting to know more, she chuckled and walked past him, sitting on the bed and extending an arm to a chair near the bed.

"take a seat, i've been wanting to share for a while," she smiled, crossing her leg over the other, using one of her hands to softly rub the side of her arm, trying to calm down the raging spirit try to expel the demon that had taken over, it wouldn't happen, but it was almost cute seeing such fight.

the white haired boy sat down, calmly waiting for his friend to share, she found him interesting... to say the least, so young but so flexible to her ideals and wishes, so determined to learn more and follow what he finds right she's always found interesting.

her heart however...

"[name], that is her name, and she..."

was cold as ice.



I'm really doing this... Kill me.

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