"Great!" Luna Bailey pushes her glasses up a little higher. She makes glasses look cute. "I heard you were good at decorating and party planning?" she asks Cinda.

"I love it," Cinda breathes.

"Oh, that's such a relief. I know you're probably busy with finishing school and these he-man boys club competitions that Conner claims are super-important, but Mina told me that you could help prepare for my announcement ceremony? I'm truly awful at party-prep. I don't even know where to start."

Cinda has tears of thankful joy in her eyes as she gushes her 'yes.' I feel like crying, too, as my she-wolf slumps over in relief. Our new luna is as sweet as she looks.

At the same time, I'm worried now for a different reason. Luna Bailey should have multiple she-wolves tripping over themselves to help her. She's the next luna, for goddess' sake. Just Alphason Conner's family is like... a hundred and forty-seven wolves. Is she being ostracized? Why did she reach out to Cinda?

I dart a quick glance a Sean. Did he suggest coming here? I would ask him, but that would require speaking to the jerk.

Luna Bailey climbs back into the pickup truck... and I mean actually climbs, boosting herself in as Sean silently hovers to catch her in case she slips. Cinda opens the back, chattering away excitedly. I take a step toward home, perfectly willing to walk alone when Luna Bailey turns. "You're coming, aren't you, Iliana?"

She looks so worried, but goddess, I don't want to be in such close proximity to Sean. He smells so good. It's a reminder that he was supposed to be ours.

It's impossible to say 'no' to this human female. Besides, my heart warms a little when she looks so worried about not including me. My wolf tastes the air in front of our future luna. Her tail twitches and her ears perk. She's cautiously optimistic. The human luna radiates comfort and serenity in direct contrast to my she-wolf's scarred emotions.

I'm going with them. It's not even a question, even though I hate party-planning. I can stick close to Luna Bailey and see for myself if she's being bullied.

Georgina was always more than happy to plan and I've never had any talent for it. Not to mention, it was the only thing that she and mom really connected with.

Sean opens the door for me. He stands close as I walk past him to step up. So close that I can feel his warmth and smell the faint scent of... bleach and blood.

I side-eye him as I take my seat behind Bailey, making Cinda move over so that she would be closer to Sean.

"She's a real sweetheart," Sean says under his breath to me. "Thank you for coming with her. She's worried the females will hate her for being human."

He just confirmed some of my worries. I have to bite my tongue to keep from blurting out that I hate Sean and he's not human. My she-wolf's fur is standing on end, her eyes watching Sean as if he's going to hurt us. We expect it from this male.

He sees it. When he steps back and closes the truck's door his eyes are blank and shuttered.



I force myself to back away a step and give Lili space. Fuck, I'm tired. The latest murdered female was just like the one uncovered months ago. We've lost key players in the fertility fiasco at Honeiker labs, including the good doctor himself, and with them go any good leads in this new crime.

It's terrifying to think that Lili could be a target of this group. She's still living with her parents, so maybe the killers, whoever they are, won't target her because she's not alone. But, now that she's officially announced herself as MateLess will they somehow know she's vulnerable? We have no fucking clue who is behind the scenes pulling strings.

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