genuine question

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Hey everybody, I've been working on the chapter and have thought of two different stories I want to throw at you before I publish the next chapter. The chapter is still a W.I.P. but thanks to fastcarr82 for the idea and really big help for finding it.

The question I wanted to ask was which one sounds better as a story and to explore upon?

The first is the My Hero Academia story I had planned.

The next is a tale about the ever growing harem of the main protagonist as they try to live a normal life after being thrusted into the world of fantasy.

I should tell you the first is prepared and planned while the other is still being worked upon except the character, that's already taken cared of, the problem is where it should be placed. However, I don't know which I liked better and couldn't really decide so I'm leaving it up to you fellows. Go ahead and chose which sounds better, and go ahead and suggest what world should the second one be in while you're at it, and I'll catch you lot later.


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