~•Chapter 2•~

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The bottom of the well was silent before dust was kicked up by a individual landing at the bottom, kicking up dust and pebbles sent flying. A couple bouncing off the sign close by, Y/n felt a surge of familiarity to this place, the area once smelling like a concert hall to each connection of Hollownest now reaked of a long forgotten item.

Looking to the his sides he sees the paths he could take but a terrible presence slithers over his core before resting on his shoulder, a chill ran through him as he could feel the digits that morphed to his exoskeleton. As the feeling of dread became too much he lashed out, y/n grabbed the hilt of his scythe and erratically slashed behind him out of fear. Nothing, a empty space was behind him except a decorated post that felt his fear induced attack.

The fear he felt was too real for it to be a figment of his imagination, y/n felt the fingers on his shoulder as well the coldness they held. Focusing down the path he could make out a figure standing out in the open, deciding to investigate he walks closer to find another bug standing in front of what looked a large dark grey house with no door at the entrance but have decorations making it look more like a cathedral or meeting hall for a item of great worth. Having been invested in the architecture he misses the bug entering the building but as he glances down where the bug once stood a sudden surge goes through him once more, Y/n freezes in place once more having the cold digits rest against his shoulder again. The feeling terrifying as the fingers soon disappeared and touched his head twice before disappearing completely having him extremely confused.

Looking behind him momentarily to try and see what had given him head pats like that, hadn't been given those in years, but the cold feeling was gone and he could move freely having the numbing fear gone away moved forward. Entering the cathedral he looked around himself to find multiple writings depicting of some kind of sacrifice done years ago with a eerily familiar image among three individuals, his brother. The boomerang like head with sharp edges on the inside that ended right at the points atop the horns, the regret of having his Royal blood coursing through his body now even his horns were made to be a crown, y/n always knew his father was insane even if he was considered pre-cognitive ability to see the future.

Everything surrounding that man was purely delusions made by him, a day where some kind of infection would turn bugs feral and attack anyone that weren't them. The things that man crammed into his head was incredible to say the least, coming up to the door to see three slots on the door shaped like tear drops with different number of eyes. He remembered these eyes anywhere, Monomon the teacher, Lurien the watcher and Herrah the beast each he had met but the one to startle him the most was Lurien. Shaking his head he forgets those Memories except for the door, it had a strange alluring aura to its design like he was supposed to know it from somewhere.

Collecting all he remembered was something he'd rather avoid than use to figure out what this door was for, "Hello there! How delightful to see another traveller on these forgotten roads, you do look familiar though." The bug next to him announced causing y/n to jump a foot in the air scaring the daylights out of him. Having calmed down from it he chuckles to himself shaking his head "Second time today I'm surprised, I really need to work on that, it's nice to meet a fellow down here though. " He says before looking over to freeze in the spot. The bug in front of him Y/n had knew very well, the mask of monomon allowing him a very good hint, this was Quirrel or the assistant to the very scholar that had taught him and brother everything. Monomon was a wonderful woman allowing to teach them except biology at the time, he was late for that one and rather giving a excuse he stayed there to make it up.

Coughing into his fist he smiles the best he could "I'm sorry but you might have me mistaken for someone else, it's nice to see someone down here as well but what is your name? " He lied, the lie was to keep others from fighting him but the thing that befuddled was that he hadn't. Quirrel was there when he had to be taught and even asked him for some assistance, why wouldn't he have attacked or even question him. Tapping at his chin before nodding in agreement having thought he said it already "I'm Quirrel stranger, might I be able to ask for your name now? " He had asked in a kind manner.

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